trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
I'm not holding your hand while you lead me into saying something. I didn't say what you said I did, or what you wanted me to say. That makes you a two time loser. HA HA
so, do "all them" want to wipe us off the face of the earth, or do just "the ones with guns" want us gone/dead?

you can't have it both ways. i'll let you figure it out and get back to me.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say what you said I did...
...all them "barefoots" want to wipe America off the face of the earth.
The ones with guns don't like us. The ones who don't like us want us GONE. So yes, I will assume the ones they are shooting at want us dead.
wanting someone to leave your country is not the same as wanting to wipe a nation off the face of the earth.

and not "all them" have guns.

i'm seriously hoping you can't be THIS dumb.


Well-Known Member
Ohh Rah Devil dog. 4 rows myself.
Well Done Sir, 4 Rows meant you Sir were a Busy Man.

People like Buck will just try to belittle your service to your country as being blindly lead by The President of the Most Powerful Nation in the world and for keeping our country safe. So pricks like UB can spew his BS. thats right Buck we provide scum like you the freedon to say whatever you want.

Must be a lack of self esteem for UB and abandonlife, or just plain old regret that they can't be us. yeah thats it


Well-Known Member
oh i see we have another picture poster. Looks like the same guy UB likes. Well you know what they say birds of a feather. You might want to try that program talk and type. LOL


Well-Known Member
if you're trying to say i am not a man, you'll only be trying to convince yourself. i can build a greenhouse, i can fix my car, i spit and scratch as much as the next guy, but refusing to serve in a pointless engagement which in no way protects our freedoms does nothing to make you any more of a man or make me any less of a man.

believe me, i did really super well on my ASVABs and i spoke 3 languages in high school, they tried to recruit me as hard as they could. i've got no desire to be a brainwashed, useful idiot bullet catcher like yourself.
Damn I was overthin you Buck shit you were just scared. Scared little boy went and ran behind a book and now hails himself as the defender of all racial injustice. You could have made a difference but Buck that time has passed you by. it hard to live with regret, it makes do stuff like post 13,000 posts on one website in two years.
Your just a miserable person.

Well it doesn't matter you wouldn't have made it in the Service Buck. For all the reasons we have discussed about you today


Well-Known Member
Damn I was overthin you Buck shit you were just scared. Scared little boy went and ran behind a book and now hails himself as the defender of all racial injustice. You could have made a difference but Buck that time has passed you by. it hard to live with regret, it makes do stuff like post 13,000 posts on one website in two years.
Your just a miserable person.

Well it doesn't matter you wouldn't have made it in the Service Buck. For all the reasons we have discussed about you today
regret would have been serving in pointless engagements like you did.


Well-Known Member
Damn I was overthin you Buck shit you were just scared. Scared little boy went and ran behind a book and now hails himself as the defender of all racial injustice. You could have made a difference but Buck that time has passed you by. it hard to live with regret, it makes do stuff like post 13,000 posts on one website in two years.
Your just a miserable person.

Well it doesn't matter you wouldn't have made it in the Service Buck. For all the reasons we have discussed about you today


Well-Known Member
had no idea kuwait and iraq were threatening our first amendment rights.

learn something new every day.

You could have chose to do something in the Military beside Infantry, But you didn't cause you were scared. its as easy as that.

So you have come up with all these assumption of what you think the Military is about, but you have never been there. So how do you really know,
you don't.

And you are speaking of two wars in 235 plus years. people like you come and go and the Corps is still here. But again you have never sered so you really don't know what the fuk you are talking about