• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

trayvan martin


Active Member
Golly , gee whiz...............I mean you Eurotrash are just SOOOO enlightening , and you just know ALL there is to know about this country.

And of course since we're all so " yellow and scared" then YOU will PERSONALLY be right over to show us all " hows to do it" won't ya?

Come on over punk , pick an airport , don't much care which one of the majors. Lemme see here , hows about one that will fit your bullshit sterotypes like Houston , I'll pick your ass up at either InterContinental or Hobby , then I'll drop your ass off in Southeast Houston with a heart monitor as I use for equines , you WALK to downtown without " getting scared" and I'll drop five grand in front of you to take home with ya.

Or hey fly into SF and I'll toss your ass out in Sunnydale or even someplace mild like around Dolores Park , Oakland? BWAHHAHAHAAAAA , you'd piss your pants after two blocks from 92nd going back north..........eastern cities? NYC? Hey meet some nice sections of the Bronx........

In other words *YOU* know " jack shit" about this country , but hey you DO "know Jack" real well dontcha..........
Im curiuous why you would reference these cities and neighborhoods? Labelling them "scary".


Well-Known Member
The scariest place I have ever been was in Mississippi ...lol and believe me when I say I have traveled.. I guess everywhere and anywhere could be scary depending on who you are and what you are..I'm sure Trayvan may have felt like that.


Active Member
You sure typed a lot without showing me how I was incorrect in my statement...I don't have everyones voting record, but I do have statements on who they will be voting for or not... again show me one person on this political forum who agrees that Zimmerman may have been right..and I can tell you who they will ( or will not ) vote for..either show me proof that I'm incorrect that everyone who said that Zimmerman was correct and standing his ground don't vote for the Republican guy...or admit I'm fucking right...you don't have to like my statement, but it is one that holds truth..my next question would be "why is that" ??????

Edit: I guess I should said and add "every American who thinks Zimmerman may have been right"

Really? You missed that BULLSHIT sterotypes based solely upon the thin criteria of how a person votes are not applicable to this issue and indeed are just a load of short-sighted , divisive and exclusionary ***bullshit***.

Here's a question for you , to you wish the country to change and improve , or do you just wish that for those who look , act and think as you do?

Seemingly you fail to understand that nebulous political labels and other such arbitrary dividing lines based upon ideology , creed race , religion etc are being utilised to keep the general public divided into multiple cadres that are constantly squabbling and at each others throats.

Do you **REALLY* think the DemoCraps and Republican'ts are any different beyond the glossy surface? Do you **really** that a single one of them of whatever permutation knows jackshit about how YOU live? Do you *REALLY* think that a SINGLE one of them hasn't been bought and paid for far prior to ever making it inside The Beltway?

This thread is a microcosmic example of **exactly that syndrome** , and YUP I freely admit to having cast a few labels too , that said at what point does our frigging ***humanity*** emerge and have us remember that this was a 17 year old kid, now DEAD.......and right or wrong Zimmerman ( and think about this in the context of a moral and ethical man......benefit of the doubt and all that bullshit) has to live with that FACT for the rest of his life , if he's NOT the sociopath that he appears to be then he may well have created a lifelong living Hell for himself that will punish him far more effectively than anything save the death penalty.

And regardless of arguements on the InterWebz what this does accomplish is yet further division along racial lines , conveniently exploited by politicos and figureheads at a juncture which the country in general and Fla in specific REALLY doesn't need it.

Now before you jump off the bridge with ad hominem etc and send this south again I ask you to ruminate a minute on that.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I want to know what Unclebuck has to say now that he's seen Martin's recent pics. Martin wasn't half Zimmerman's size. That was media bullshit. It was Zimmerman crying like a bitch as he was gett the ass beating he deserved. Martin looked like a thug, but that was no reason to hunt him like an animal. I look like a hippy. How many here would mistake my views and actions as a hippy? Zimmerman had a reason to kill him, but so the fuck what. It's like if you corner an animal then are shocked it attacks you. I have lots of hoods where I live, and wouldn't ever entertain in a fantasy of hunting them. It would be stupid. It's like this guy who nearly died due to a black widow bite on the chest. Now.every waking moment he spends killing all he finds. The idiot would deserve to get bit again. Stupid.

Go ahead and live in your fantasy racist world. Look where his racism got him. He's going to get skull fucked by another bitter racist for "revenge," and I won't care. Two more racist bitching idiots will be off the streets.


Active Member
I want to know what Unclebuck has to say now that he's seen Martin's recent pics. Martin wasn't half Zimmerman's size. That was media bullshit. It was Zimmerman crying like a bitch as he was gett the ass beating he deserved. Martin looked like a thug, but that was no reason to hunt him like an animal. I look like a hippy. How many here would mistake my views and actions as a hippy? Zimmerman had a reason to kill him, but so the fuck what. It's like if you corner an animal then are shocked it attacks you. I have lots of hoods where I live, and wouldn't ever entertain in a fantasy of hunting them. It would be stupid. It's like this guy who nearly died due to a black widow bite on the chest. Now.every waking moment he spends killing all he finds. The idiot would deserve to get bit again. Stupid.

Go ahead and live in your fantasy racist world. Look where his racism got him. He's going to get skull fucked by another bitter racist for "revenge," and I won't care. Two more racist bitching idiots will be off the streets.

PLus about a ^^^^............hell there aren't enough DIGITS............


Active Member
The scariest place I have ever been was in Mississippi ...lol and believe me when I say I have traveled.. I guess everywhere and anywhere could be scary depending on who you are and what you are..I'm sure Trayvan may have felt like that.
Yeah just a wuunnnnneeerrrful state ain't it , might actually not be too bad if ya could remove all the damn mosquitoes , the freaking roaches and about 95% of the people. But hey at least it's not frigging Arkansas.

Hmmmmm , we maybe crossways on certain political issues , we however agree on certain things it seems.


Well-Known Member
Everyone who has suggested we wait for all the information has been castigated by you....
actually, the people who disagree with me are jumping to their own conclusions...see below

martin was witnessed attacking zimmerman, as he was getting his ass beat, zimmerman yelled for help, finally having to shoot him to get him off, hope you all knew this.
there ya go. totally unconfirmed account of the situation taken as gospel by an idiot.

nowhere does he mention the actual statute, or any of the facts that we actually know, such as zimmerman initially provoking the entire situation.



Active Member
when peoples lives get trivialized it offends me . . . . .you worry about words and meaning i worry about your soul . . and i am not religous

and i am american born and rased and ya im a little stubborn and harsh

i see it everyday here fear mongering people being reactive fear full animals vs proactive and responsible adults . . . . ..

in my mind at no time is my thing or car or even my life more important then another . . . . . . . . .. . . life is life you either respect it or get in the ditch

and ya i have lived all over this country in nice parts poor parts northern parts southern parts western parts and eastern parts . .. . . . theres a string of words for all the elitist to judge

ive lived in or near most of the cites your speak of lmfao

the people in this country are tools of fear and manipulation . . taught to fear anything for what your imagination might make you think it can do to you

. . i dont own cable but when i watch commercials at friends houses it is apparent that mass manipulation is the name of the game and they are getting good at it . . . the media and politics are no different . . . . .. . . figure it out . . people here have been brainwashed to put there fear on a pedestal vs life

oh and i am a home owner of ten yrs and on the neighborhood association we dont support, vigilantism here , we know people can be petty and mistaken and dubious power or influence as neighborhood watch can bite you in the end, and that is why each neighbor know to be mindful of there own property and respectful of the people that live here and may live here

we encourage diversity where i live and welcome it . . . . . . .. . . . stereotypes and all

Good post , and I'm man enough to apologise for the Eurotrash comment ( to the Europeans here too) it was a bullshit sideshot on my part.


Well-Known Member
And Zimmer replied, "OK".
after he was asked a second time if he was still in pursuit.

when you pursue someone, you are not standing your ground, self defense no longer applies.



Well-Known Member
Really? You missed that BULLSHIT sterotypes based solely upon the thin criteria of how a person votes are not applicable to this issue and indeed are just a load of short-sighted , divisive and exclusionary ***bullshit***.

Here's a question for you , to you wish the country to change and improve , or do you just wish that for those who look , act and think as you do?

Seemingly you fail to understand that nebulous political labels and other such arbitrary dividing lines based upon ideology , creed race , religion etc are being utilised to keep the general public divided into multiple cadres that are constantly squabbling and at each others throats.

Do you **REALLY* think the DemoCraps and Republican'ts are any different beyond the glossy surface? Do you **really** that a single one of them of whatever permutation knows jackshit about how YOU live? Do you *REALLY* think that a SINGLE one of them hasn't been bought and paid for far prior to ever making it inside The Beltway?

This thread is a microcosmic example of **exactly that syndrome** , and YUP I freely admit to having cast a few labels too , that said at what point does our frigging ***humanity*** emerge and have us remember that this was a 17 year old kid, now DEAD.......and right or wrong Zimmerman ( and think about this in the context of a moral and ethical man......benefit of the doubt and all that bullshit) has to live with that FACT for the rest of his life , if he's NOT the sociopath that he appears to be then he may well have created a lifelong living Hell for himself that will punish him far more effectively than anything save the death penalty.

And regardless of arguements on the InterWebz what this does accomplish is yet further division along racial lines , conveniently exploited by politicos and figureheads at a juncture which the country in general and Fla in specific REALLY doesn't need it.

Now before you jump off the bridge with ad hominem etc and send this south again I ask you to ruminate a minute on that.
I'm going to sum this all without all the composing and scribing you seemingly are now fond of.. How a person votes does matter..and its a big difference between Dem's and Repub. Do you really need me to go into detail ???

I would actually love for all of us to hold hands and sing "Kumbaya", but hey I deal with reality and reality says the worlds not ready to sing together yet ( especially not Kumbaya). When it is and if I'm still alive I will more then happily sing along....until then I call it like I see it and never try to mask it.

oh and by the way..How one votes gets us these kind of laws that would have a person think that they can claim "stand your ground " in cases like Trayvan. So who you fuckin vote for does matter..


Well-Known Member
The facts, as I know them, do support a self defense claim by Zimmer. He was acting as a neighborhood watchman. He observed what he thought was a suspicious person. He called 911 to report same. There was an altercation between he and Trayvon. An eyewitness (maybe two, but I only saw the statement of one) said Trayvon was on top of Zimmer and beating him and called 911. Someone (identified by the police as Zimmer) can be heard calling for help then the pop of a firearm is heard. The eye witness caller then says Trayvon, who had been on top administering a beating on Zimmer, is shot.

Sounds like a pretty good case of self defense to me, and contrary to Unclebuck's learned interpretation of Florida law this situation is pretty well covered.
who initially provoked the situation?

would martin have done anything but go home and eat his skittles if zimmerman did not follow him?

since martin did not initially provoke the siuation, and by his own words, zimmerman did, section 776.041 applies.

zimmerman would only be covered if (a) zimmerman was afraid for his life AND exhausted every possible means of escape or (b) zimmerman retreated from the fight AND said as much.

now, this all assumes that trayvon was beating the living shit out of zimmerman, which is not established by anyone. it's complete fantasy that i am granting for the sake of argument.

since zimmerman certainly did not exhaust every means of escape as evidenced by the location of the murder, and was not retreating and calling a truce, as evidenced by the 911 tapes, he gets no protection under this law.

and for anyone saying zimmerman was catching a beating: shut the fuck up. you have ZERO evidence of this, and there is no evidence tat zimemrman was ever injured.

Typical race-baiting, ever so sensitive, douche bag liberal. You and others brought the racial aspect into this discussion.
lol, anyone can read back on this thread and see that you and NLXSK brought the ugly racial nonsense in here, we were just fine before your sorry ass showed up.


Well-Known Member

  • lol, anyone can read back on this thread and see that you and NLXSK brought the ugly racial nonsense in here, we were just fine before your sorry ass showed up.​

Again, that was Mr. Mindbender.... But lets not let facts get in the way of your assumptions. You are on such a roll...


Well-Known Member
following someone and asking them what they are doing in no way can be contrived as assault or bullying or presumption of superior force in any way by any court in the land. Following someone also doesn't make you an aggressor, it just makes you a concerned citizen.
lol, concerned citizen.

his pursuit of trayvon is what initially provoked the situation.

there is no way you can argue that trayvon was the aggressor in this situation. he was walking home with some fucking candy.

once you provoke the situation in this manner, you lose your ability to claim self defense except as 776.041 dictates.

take your la-la land fantasy logic and get the fuck out of here. or start talking about cars again. something more on your level here.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I'm going to sum this all without all the composing and scribing you seemingly are now fond .. How a person votes does matter..and its a big difference between Dem's and Repub. Do you really need me to go into detail ???

I would actually love for all of us to hold hands and sing "Kumbaya", but hey I deal with reality and reality says the worlds not ready to sing together yet ( especially not Kumbaya). When it is and if I'm still alive I will more then happily sing along....until then I call it like I see it and never try to mask it.

oh and by the way..How one votes gets us these kind of laws that would have a person think that they can claim "stand your ground " in cases like Trayvan. So who you fuckin vote for does matter..
I'll sing Kumbaya with you, it's a catchy tune. Just change the lyrics to those which encompass everyone.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps somewhere, anywhere in this thread you can find a single insult from me, go ahead see if you can find one. The only ones flinging insults are the ones who are losing the debate.
where did i say you insulted me? all i said was that you engage me on an insulting level intellectually. see below.

So when you are driving on the interstate and the same car is behind you for 30 miles, you pull them over and start asking them for ID? Is that what you really do?