What are you talking about? Where do I say "partying and lying = murder"?

The point I was trying to make (which you've obviously missed) was that the prosecution had a shitload of "theories" and "evidence" against Casey Anthony, INCLUDING, damning testimony from her own father. She was not convicted of the main charges against her. She was found guilty on something like 4 counts of providing false information to police. She walked out of jail eleven days after the trial concluded and was basically given time served for the 4 counts. So, yes, you are correct....she was convicted of 4 of the most minor charges against her. Since she wasn't convicted on ANY of the main charges against her though, it's widely considered that she was "acquitted".
Now that we have that out of the way, the point I was trying to make is that a lot of people seem to think the prosecution has a "slam dunk" case against Zimmerman. I think they have an uphill battle due to lack of evidence and the fact that he MIGHT have acted totally within his right under Florida law. That's all I'm saying. Everyone fucking HATED Casey Anthony and there was still a jury out there who thought the prosecution's case against her was weak, which I said all along. Never said she didn't do it (I have no way to know this, I wasn't there), simply that there was little hard evidence against her. People thought I was defending her or saying she didn't do it. I never said any of that, but for some reason all the people who I debated that thought the prosecution was going to nail her also thought that I was defending her.

There is a big difference. I hope people can put aside their own prejudices and see that. Get ready to be really angry, because I think Zimmerman will walk. I could definitely be wrong, but we shall see.