Well there is the initial witness accounts, plus Zimm himself and then there is all the evidence that corroborates his story.show us the witnesses who say that "martin initiated violence", as you claim.
dumbass liar.
Well there is the initial witness accounts, plus Zimm himself and then there is all the evidence that corroborates his story.show us the witnesses who say that "martin initiated violence", as you claim.
dumbass liar.
Nice, A way out. Too bad someone like you wasn't on the other side of the gun that night.Because a real gentleman always gives his inferior opponent a way out.
Zimmerman has a CCW permit, he has been through all the training and passed it.
A trained Police Officer? tell ya what, attack a cop, bust his nose and then start smacking his head against the sidewalk and you don't think a cop would fill you full of lead? Guess what justification the cop needs to shoot you? FEAR for his life buddy, any kind of perceived threat, even if you are on your hands and knees slowly crawling toward a cop is justification to put a bullet in your head.
Cops shoot people for far less than a beatdown, would you care to see a few?
Now show me a link where a cop was being beaten by a perp and chose not to shoot? Cops shoot people before they can even get within attacking distance of the officer, they don't wait until they are almost dead before pulling out their firearm and using it.
Well there is the initial witness accounts, plus Zimm himself and then there is all the evidence that corroborates his story.
If I were getting a beatdown I would have shot him. I don't shoot people who are running away, it looks bad to have the exit wound on the front, unlike Trayvon who if he really were running away would have had. its not like the Medical Examiner and experts aren't going to be able to make a case on the angle of entrance of the wound in the first place, should show that Mr Martin was on top of Zimm. This isn't even CSI stuff yet and the case is already shut.Nice, A way out. Too bad someone like you wasn't on the other side of the gun that night.
Helping improve shooting proficiency is, generally, the aim of these CCW classes. Also taught in these CCW classes are the correct attitude and outlook crucial for the secure and efficient use of firearms.Proving that he knows how to shoot his gun.
People running away from me do not asses a high threat level, some people are pussies though.. He would have had the ability to assess the threat level and respond with the appropriate level of force. which if zimmerman used his brain he would have stood down and waited until the police arrived.
Zimmerman was trained to the highest standard a civilian can attain in the State of Florida, why you keep ignoring this is just plain stupid.I can't and I believe they should. but my point is this, if Zimmerman was trained or didn't have the weapon in his pants, he probably would have thought things through a bit. I believe the gun clouded his judgement, emboldend him. And I personally don't want guys like that in my neighborhood. I also believe that there are enough gun laws on the books on both sides. The balance is about is good as it's going to get. gun ownership is typically through attraction, not thrugh promotion.
LOL now you end with the logical fallacy of Argumentum ad numerum This fallacy is the attempt to prove something by showing how many people think that it's true. But no matter how many people believe something, that doesn't necessarily make it true or right.I'm also not the only one that believes he commited a crime in shooting Martin, he was arrested and charged. It is my understanding that some of the officers wanted to charge him that night as well.
Whatever happened to the "It was the corrupt Sanford police who are hiding all the facts" argument you started out with?so you have absolutely nothing to back up your original unfounded claim. thanks.
Whatever happened to the "It was the corrupt Sanford police who are hiding all the facts" argument you started out with?
When 1 white guy kills a black man it's racist. When several black men kill a white guy it's a drug deal gone wrong.
You have no evidence.i still harbor plenty of suspicions about what happened that night, about the wolfinger "conflict of interest", about wolfinger leaving his house late on a sunday to cut him loose, about papa zimmerman, supreme court magistrate, living in the next town over.
but we've got some actual evidence now to bicker about.
You have no evidence.
zimmerman is not white..we do not claim that douchebag..i speak for the whites on this and it is annoying that the media is calling this guy white.....and if zimms old man was not a retired judge..that bitch is arrested at the scene.
None that is going to put Zimm away. He walks.lol, no one has any evidence. right.
Illogical, you could also say that if Martin had just continued to where he was going (not his home, by the way), instead of returning to confront Zimmerman, none of this would have happened.if he was just observing, from a distance, like a biologist observing nature, not disturbing... he would've observed marting go home... but no. he already knew this kid was up to no good... probably high... walking around with shit in his waistband.... he had to do something..... there's no self defense here... the claim is just absurd....
You think Police in one state give a rats ass if your daddy was a small time judge in another state? At all?
Illogical, you could also say that if Martin had just continued to where he was going (not his home, by the way), instead of returning to confront Zimmerman, none of this would have happened.
"We don't need you to do that" really isn't what you guys claim it to be.Listen, I think he should be in jail and facing full charges and punished harshly. He was clearly told not to pursue and even if it was self defense why not hit him with the gun instead of shooting? BUT, would anyone really care if a black dude shot him? Fuck no. And it sure wouldn't be in the news EVERY night. I live in Chicago, that shit happens every 15 minutes.
LOL now you end with the logical fallacy of Argumentum ad numerum This fallacy is the attempt to prove something by showing how many people think that it's true. But no matter how many people believe something, that doesn't necessarily make it true or right.
You think Police in one state give a rats ass if your daddy was a small time judge in another state? At all?