I would prefer my Tit sucking to be called "Steak and Lobster Eater"...Thank you. Cheese gums up your pores and makes you smell bad.cheese eater.
I would prefer my Tit sucking to be called "Steak and Lobster Eater"...Thank you. Cheese gums up your pores and makes you smell bad.cheese eater.
I agree that justice for Trayvon would be a good thing. However I am willing to admit that I don't know exactly what that would entail. The "testimonies" I've seen so far are inconsistent and contradictory. I am reduced to trusting the parties with access to actual information to handle it well. Since that means lawyers, my outlook is bleak. cnwhich only means this must be the best thread ever...Something just draws us to it..I say justice for TRAYVON
It's not intended for topical application! cnI would prefer my Tit sucking to be called "Steak and Lobster Eater"...Thank you. Cheese gums up your pores and makes you smell bad.
i got to say if an angry latino man with a gun comes running toward me im gonna fucking run as fast as i can too.Lets see, facts. Zimm gets in his truck to go to the store, Zimm sees a stranger hanging around in the dark in the RAIN. WHen Zimm tries to ascertain what this stranger is doing, he calls 911 to report suspicious activity and then the stranger starts running away. Any logical dumb ass might assume that when another person runs away that they just might be guilty of something and do not want to get caught, the guy isn't in jogging gear and people don't normally jog in the dark in the rain, but someone as dumb as you might just think " Oh well nothing going on around here, I should go to the store and just hope that my house doesn't get broken into." Yep, that is you alright.
Just because trayvon wasn't actually doing anything illegal, his actions could have EASILY been interpreted as Suspicious activity, especially given all the break ins that had recently happened. And especially when he ran, the fact that he then attacked Zimm makes his actions inexcusable. You obviously have never come home to find your home in a mess and all your valuables gone, have you? It doesn't feel good I can tell you. ANd you have probably never had to fend off an attacker eh? Little girls don't count you big tough man you.
i got to say if an angry latino man with a gun comes running toward me im gonna fucking run as fast as i can too.
i understand zimmermans situation but chasing a guy thru the rain with gun just because he looked suspicious is a stretch to say the least.
i can't even say that if he kept following me i would not have reacted the same way put in the exact circumstances. that doen't make it right or absolve me of responsibility for assault, but since he is dead he can't really be changed.
You make it sound like Zimmerman chased Martin with his gun drawn and pointed at Martin the whole time. According to witnesses Zimm only pulled his gun AFTER Martin straddled him and was beating his head into the sidewalk.i understand zimmermans situation but chasing a guy thru the rain with gun just because he looked suspicious is a stretch to say the least.
Where the hell have you read that he was chasing him with his gun out?
Let me guess you get your news info from Uncle Buck and Londonfog
how many more people are going to make the assumption that martin was attacking rather than defending himself despite all the evidence showing zimm to be the aggressor on offense while martin ran away and talked on his phone?i apologize for my earlier post, i mistakenly made it seem as tho he had a gun out waving it around, that was not my intention when i said with a gun. The only relevance of the gun is that if it had not been there trayvon would be on trail for assault right now and zimmerman would be sitting on a nice fat check.
being afraid, the same thing that caused zimmerman to draw his gun, would be my guess. flight or fight, choose flight and they give chase what choice do you have?how many more people are going to make the assumption that martin was attacking rather than defending himself despite all the evidence showing zimm to be the aggressor on offense while martin ran away and talked on his phone?
where does this unfounded assumption come from? are pot smokers generally known as violent people?
seriously, someone needs to explain this assumption to me. what enraged martin so much that after running away, he went on the attack? what was his motive?
so your theory is that martin attacked zimmerman out of nowhere because he was afraid of him? that doesn't make any sense.being afraid, the same thing that caused zimmerman to draw his gun, would be my guess. flight or fight, choose flight and they give chance what choice do you have?
A lot of new evidence out tomorrow, the 911 calls before the shot might lend to who attacked who. Very intrested in seeing the outcome. I am flying from 930-2 hopefully will have something good to read on the flight, wifi on the plane he haw!so your theory is that martin attacked zimmerman out of nowhere because he was afraid of him? that doesn't make any sense.
nor does it fit with what we know about their mindsets that night. i mean, previous actions clearly show martin chose flight, and he has no history of violence at all. he was a cannabis consumer as well.
none of what you said makes any sense unless circumstances changed. like say, zimm tried to physically detain martin.
ahh, your sooooo fast =S, i can't keep up..... see edit.so your theory is that martin attacked zimmerman out of nowhere because he was afraid of him? that doesn't make any sense.
nor does it fit with what we know about their mindsets that night. i mean, previous actions clearly show martin chose flight, and he has no history of violence at all. he was a cannabis consumer as well.
none of what you said makes any sense unless circumstances changed. like say, zimm tried to physically detain martin.
None of us has a CLUE what really went down that night. Somehow, merely pointing this out is somehow "defending" Zimmerman. The outcome was tragic, to say the least, but this rush to judgement by certain people is disturbing. Wishing bad things on another human being, no matter how heinous their alleged act, is not cool IMO. It doesn't undo the deed. People may think it brings some sort of "closure" or "justice" or some such b.s. but those are just words and there is no "closure" for the loss of a loved one, especially a young one. Zimmerman has to live with this. Maybe he lives a long, miserable life, full of the painful memories of taking such a young life. Maybe he doesn't, but regardless of how much prison time he gets or if he walks, he cannot undo what has been done. I'm sure he wishes he could take it back, but he can't. A lot of lessons can be gleaned from this. Society can be a dangerous place, and sometimes all it takes is the wrong people, a few bad choices, wrong place, wrong time and you get a senseless tragedy similar (or worse) to this one.That's the thing that startles me about this thread. The amount of actual dependable evidence that we outsiders have in hand is so small. So we have eight-thousand-plus posts built on speculations (mostly about character), loyalties, assorted politics, innuendo and no small amount of out-uendo. cn
your edit, which is bad form, still doesn't explain shit. so i'll repost the question in hopes that someone who can read and type out a cogent thoguht without having to edit it seven times can provide a reasoned explanation, unlike the nonsensical one you gave.ahh, your sooooo fast =S, i can't keep up..... see edit.
i know its stupid, but i almost always hit post then go back and edit after re-reading it. that might also be why you hate my spelling so much.
i see what you mean, but if you try flight and they chase you, you often turn to confront them when it seems you have the upper hand. again i speaking personally here, i have no idea what was actually going thru there heads.
yet you have no problem stating with certainty who attacked who. LOL!None of us has a CLUE what really went down that night.
I've never said anything with certainty! lol! Due to Zimm's police report stating, ya know, that he was attacked and the photo showing the blood on the back of his head.............it APPEARS as if Zimmerman MAY have been attacked. Is that perfectly clear in simple enough, short winded, non bullshit terms for ya? Now, was Zimmerman the actual aggressor? I don't know, but I'm not seeing this overwhelming evidence that you guys seem to see.yet you have no problem stating with certainty who attacked who. LOL!
i love how you try to walk back your statements with these long winded say-nothings, you do it all the time.
can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit.
Glad I'm not the only one who see that shityet you have no problem stating with certainty who attacked who. LOL!
i love how you try to walk back your statements with these long winded say-nothings, you do it all the time.
can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit.
Motives are useless except as fodder to keep the speculation mill running. I have reasonable doubt that either of the proffered scenarios is spot-on. The assumption that Zimmerman goaded Martin into a confrontation, while likelier, is also not established. Honest students of the situation will admit that as well. cnyour edit, which is bad form, still doesn't explain shit. so i'll repost the question in hopes that someone who can read and type out a cogent thoguht without having to edit it seven times can provide a reasoned explanation, unlike the nonsensical one you gave.
how many more people are going to make the assumption that martin was attacking rather than defending himself despite all the evidence showing zimm to be the aggressor on offense while martin ran away and talked on his phone?
where does this unfounded assumption come from? are pot smokers generally known as violent people?
seriously, someone needs to explain this assumption to me. what enraged martin so much that after running away, he went on the attack? what was his motive?
Sorry, I cant understand you with Bucky's knob protruding so deeply into your oral cavity.kiss-assGlad I'm not the only one who see that shit
It seems that he may lost the fight that he instigated. and really two cuts measuring 2cm and 0.05 cm WTF..you suppose to be some kind of fire/medical guy. That is not having your head smashed into some concrete pavement.I've never said anything with certainty! lol! Due to Zimm's police report stating, ya know, that he was attacked and the photo showing the blood on the back of his head.............it APPEARS as if Zimmerman MAY have been attacked. Is that perfectly clear in simple enough, short winded, non bullshit terms for ya? Now, was Zimmerman the actual aggressor? I don't know, but I'm not seeing this overwhelming evidence that you guys seem to see.![]()