Well-Known Member
Id take a misguided lefty like Buck over a retarded racist like you.
Just saying...
for there is still hope for them...

Id take a misguided lefty like Buck over a retarded racist like you.
Just saying...
Even if you had a hot wife, if I could be you, instead of me, I wouldn't.
so then you should have no problem answering this question:
if you were walking home from the store in the dark, and some stranger started following you in his truck, and then got out and started to chase you after you ran away, would you be in fear for your life or bodily harm?
you just said you built a new grow rented a truck and moved in addition to keeping up the house in doubt normal taxes would have hindered that a bit.
I'm a card carrying, concealed weapons holder, I'd have put a cap in his ass.
What I've been trying to get across to you is that the actions of both men lead to fear in the other.ignoring the fact that martin was 17 and not eligible for the same, are you saying that if he was able to carry, he would have been justified in dispatching his unidentified follower if he feared for his life?
because if so, then we agree.
it seems that we also agree that being followed in the dark by an unidentified stranger like that is sufficient grounds to fear for your life and or great bodily harm.
seems to me that zimmy is just lucky that martin was the age he happened to be and not carrying, since SYG applied more to him for being followed then to zimmerman for following like a fucking creep.
actually, those moving expenses would be quite the massive deduction. i don't see how a massive deduction on my taxes like that could count as a hinderance.
but then again, you are hopelessly dumb.
but its fair for zimmerman to assume trayvan had a gun look at how he was dressed like a thug
God teeth also, and dreads...So lets just shoot everyone who sags their pants and has a mountain dew in their hair?
I live in the hood and have taken walks at night. Am I at risk?
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still too cowardly to answer that question, white supremacist?
tell me how it is possible to murder someone when you are in fear for your life and acting in self defense then.
I answered the question, thug apologist.
with 1cm and 3 cm injuries?i cut myself deeper (with a razor) than that on my own..much deeper..
it's OK that you are too cowardly to answer a big, scary question though, desertrat. even your white supremacist pal bignbushy and your racist pal greenlikemoney have conceded that if they were followed in the same manner that zimerman followed martin, lethal force would be justifiable as they'd be in fear for their life or great bodily harm.
i guess you are just too cowardly to admit that blacks have rights too.
Serino, the detective investigating the whole incident stated that Zimmerman's injuries were "moderately life threatening".
If you want to let a thug bash your brains out on the sidewalk then by all means have at it. A stroll down Sanford's streets at night will probably let you test your skull's durability.