trayvan martin

it's direct proof that zimmerman's story is a complete fabrication, in case you were too dumb to have already noticed.

It is no such thing. First of all, the only thing that Jorge has said is what is recorded in the police report, and all of the eye witness statements only corroborate the police report.

CN, you are welcome to let somebody slam your head into a lawn if you want but to me, that seems life threatening.
It is no such thing. First of all, the only thing that Jorge has said is what is recorded in the police report, and all of the eye witness statements only corroborate the police report.

CN, you are welcome to let somebody slam your head into a lawn if you want but to me, that seems life threatening.

zimmerman said martin was slamming his head into the concrete.

grass doesn't cause lacerations, dipshit.

for all the contradictions between witnesses, one thing remains consistent: they all say it happened in the grass.
zimmerman said martin was slamming his head into the concrete.

grass doesn't cause lacerations, dipshit.

for all the contradictions between witnesses, one thing remains consistent: they all say it happened in the grass.

Head on the concrete, his feet on the grass,Case closed
ever wonder why there are no pics of his messed up face , well the obvious answer since the cops were his friends are that it never happened

desert dude if you have even ever bash someones face into concrete you will know that it causes a lot of damage

im talking cuts, bruises and normally big gaping wounds where the pressure from the impact broke/cut open the face and well leaves a bloody mess

you dont ever wonder after something like this happens . . . . it obvious
so what you all are saying is if i stalk you and you dont like it i can kill you if you decide to "stand your ground"


sucker pucnh who gives a shit you little baby, a person a human is dead

because one man brought a gun with him to stalk another innocent man , all the filler is jsut that, all that matters is beginning and end.

your he hit me means nothing after zimmerman took the choice to try and apprehend or corner a innocent kid

If you punch me as I go back to my truck? Yes I can.

no see thats premeditated as you leave then to get a weapon and come back

and his truck was on the street not in the grass

you people are retarded

bunch of little babies afraid to get punched lmfao he hit me lol

who fucking cares someones life has been extinguished

your life must be very sad to trivialize someones life like that . . . .very sad indeed

bruises and ego out way some ones right to live, there was a word for that back in the day oh ya PUSSY
no see thats premediteated as you leave then to get a weapon and come back

and his truck was on the street not in the grass

you people are retarded

Im sure he carried his gun all the time.He DID have a LEGAL CCW permit.If skittles wanted to go home he would have.He approached zimmerman and started the fight.
zimmerman said martin was slamming his head into the concrete.

grass doesn't cause lacerations, dipshit.

for all the contradictions between witnesses, one thing remains consistent: they all say it happened in the grass.

The police report said that Zimmer was bleeding from the back of his head. That laceration could only have happened in one three ways:

1. Zimmer cut his head when he hit the grass after being punched by Trayvon;
2. Zimmer cut his head when hit the sidewalk after being punched by Trayvon;
3. Trayvon's first punch was to the back of Jorge's head.

None of those scenarios exonerates Trayvon. All of them are consistent with the known facts.

Come back if you ever get any REAL evidence that contradicts the known facts. I will be happy to change my mind on the whole matter.
how does zimmerman following him and stalking him and martin noticing and asking him whats up instead of being a little rat sneaking around in the shadows, turn into martin approached and attacked little scared rat man

im not like you if i have a problem ill just ask you , im not a slave to fear and paranoi nor to i excuse those behaviors in others as they are irrational and delusinal

go take you r meds and peep through your blinds
The police report said that Zimmer was bleeding from the back of his head. That laceration could only have happened in one three ways:

1. Zimmer cut his head when he hit the grass after being punched by Trayvon;
2. Zimmer cut his head when hit the sidewalk after being punched by Trayvon;
3. Trayvon's first punch was to the back of Jorge's head.

None of those scenarios exonerates Trayvon. All of them are consistent with the known facts.

Come back if you ever get any REAL evidence that contradicts the known facts. I will be happy to change my mind on the whole matter.

how can you spout hearsay and probable scenarios as facts, here is my scenerio his cop friends let him know he needed to be injured to support his claims as there was no actual evidence other than hearsay and eye witness and ear witness accounts which are not very reliable , so he did it himself and they took there time collecting evidense so to let him slide a little

small town inbreed cops and city officials . . . . .. does me saying it make it any more plausible . . . nope

the only facts are what was recorded and what happened . . . . . .anything else is just a mad dash to try and excuse his behavior, where are the pictures of clothes and cuts?

i really am just flabbergasted, he stalked an innocent man and shot him when the man stood his ground wtf

how does anything else matter