Bucky, can you not at least admit that POSSIBLY they're both to blame for the fight which lead to Martin being shot?
i've never had the cops called on me for talking on the phone under an eave in the rain, even in a hoodie. it rains a lot here, i wear hoodies all the time, and i have been known to talk on my phone under an eave in the nice part of downtown. i was probably even looking around. i am often high, so this may have happened while i appeared to be "on drugs or something".
no one has ever stopped what they were doing, pulled over to the side of the road on their way to target, and called non-emergency dispatch on me for doing such a thing that i have often done. and i am 6'2'', 180+ pounds with a tattoo and way more than a baggy with residue on it (my bag is full).
to take it further, if i were to walk away from such a creepy person and then run away (or walk away fast), and that person then gets out of their truck and takes off after me, i would be wondering just what the fuck was up.
if after i stated that i thought i lost him, we ran into each other again somehow, after i ran away from him, that i would be genuinely freaked out about this random dude stopping his life and following me even after i ran away.
you can't say that martin was in any way to blame. he got profiled and chased around by a man with a gun. he was doing nothing wrong and had every right to be where he was without harassment whatsoever. zimmerman stopped what he was dong to make an issue about this, called the cops, was told that his following was unnecessary after he followed him, and
went and found him again anyway.
the last part in bold is especially true.
both parties lost one another. martin's GF says that martin said "i think i lost him" right after zimm says "he ran...i lost him". so the murderer and the deceased victim have accounts that match at this point.
zimm then tells the non emergency dispatch not to meet him where he described his truck to be in detail to the operator many times, but to call him for a meeting place. sounds to me like zimm planned on being anywhere.
there is a minute or two between zimm hanging up and the final confrontation. martin was talking to his GF this whole time, thinking that he had lost his pursuer. zimm was "looking for an address during this 1-2 minute lull.
there are addresses on the fronts of the houses nearer to zimm's vehicle than to the site of the murder. if he were looking for an address, that's where he would have gone to in that one or two minute period.
but zimm has a history of thinking that those assholes always get away through the back entrance. the previous calls to non emergency dispatch by zimm verify this. zimm did not go look for an address like he was saying, he went to go follow martin again, going towards that back entrance.
that is where they met up again. the rest of the zimm story includes a somewhat coherent conversation between the two, but all i heard were cries for help.
Ultimately...why couldn't they just have a conversation like normal people???!!!
oh, hello good sir. i happen to have noticed you stalking me like prey for a while now, although i am simply trying to talk on the phone. in fact, i ran away from you, yet here you are again. what is your concern, stranger?
"why didn't the kid know his place?" is what you are asking. and it is disgusting to me.