trayvan martin

Sorry, I guess that was over your head. Just pointing out how preconceived ideas alter perception. I don't know how to dumb it down any more for you.

we get it. all tall black people are probable burglars and need to be detained. can't let those assholes get away.

got it. thanks.
...he may have been in possesion of stolen goods...You're trying to make out Martin to be a choirboy when the records indicate he wasn't.

there you go again, pushing the "martin is guilty" notion.

because you're an idiot.

And you pretend to know what Zimmerman was thinking, clearly not possible unless you're a mind reader.

we have him on tape stating exactly what he was thinking that night.
we get it. all tall black people are probable burglars and need to be detained. can't let those assholes get away.

got it. thanks.
I vote from now on we leave race out of the discussion entirely, it's irrelevant really and distracts from the main point.

Legalised murder...I personally believe the only time you should be allowed shoot someone is;
In public: When threatened with a weapon.
At home: Castle Defense rules.

Anyone else care to follow this tangent? The actual Trayvon case has been done to death tbh...
Martin was 6'2".... you wouldn't call him a kid...Martin towered over Zimmerman... You (not you personally) pass off Martins known "incidents" as nothing...

there you go again.

martin just HAS to be guilty in your desperate, idiotic mind.

too bad he was an innocent kid who was chased down by a gun wielding psycho.
Here's what I'd like to see: 1:map of the area showing store, Zimmermans truck, Martin's fathers girlfriend's house/condo/whatever,paths of Zimmerman and Martin, locations of any witnesses, gun, shell casing(s) 2: photo of Martins clothing and wounds, his body at the scene, location of the skittles, tea, phone and any other items 3: transcripts of Zimmermans and witnesses statements. I prefer evidence I can see, not drivel from agenda driven media.

almost all of that (save the first part of 3) is available you dullard.

more like innocent kid walking home with skittles and inced tea when a man with a gun decided he couldn't let another one of these assholes get away so he tells the cops to call him for his location instead of meeting them somewhere.


Speaking of innocent kids, why is it you can't go to playgrounds anymore ?
You can't afford Zimmerman "innocence" cos he killed someone retard, regardless of whether it's technically legal or not, he shot an unarmed 17 year old kid when he could've just went to the store himself.

You can't afford Zimmerman "innocence," cos (you know), someone was actually killed, retard. Regardless, whether it's technically legal(I'm thinking not), he shot an unarmed 17 year old kid. Instead, he could've just went to a store himself, too.

Are you blissed out? Seriously, that shit made about as much sense as what "thump easy" from the toke-n-talk spews. Don't smoke anymore, read what you wrote again and then come back to me.
Speaking of innocent kids, why is it you can't go to playgrounds anymore ?

watch out folks, we got the bad ass biker dude here. accompanied by his impressive collection of STDs from skanks he solicited form behind the flying-J in lubbock, texas.
Here's a link: Martin was 6'2". If you saw the recent pictures of him, you wouldn't call him a kid, believe me.
"Trayvon was not disciplined because of the discovery, but was instead suspended for graffiti, according to the report. School police impounded the jewelry and sent photos of the items to detectives at Miami-Dade police for further investigation.
A lawyer for the dead teen’s family acknowledged Trayvon had been suspended for graffiti, but said the family knew nothing about the jewelry and the screwdriver.
“It’s completely irrelevant to what happened Feb. 26,” said attorney Benjamin Crump. “They never heard this, and don’t believe it’s true. If it were true, why wouldn’t they call the parents? Why wasn’t he arrested?”
Trayvon, who was a junior at Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School, had never been arrested, police and the family have said."

^^ is not evidence of trayvon doing anything untoward that night

zimmerman himself on the 911 tape described him as being late teens so he couldnt have looked that old. i havent once denied that a 6'2" 17 yearold couldnt be dangerous if they wanted but the plain fact of the matter is 17 is still a kid.

If you're saying he's innocent until proven guilty, why do you not afford Zimmerman the same?
there is no evidence what so ever to say trayvon was doing anything wrong that night

zimmermans got a body to explain (however it happened)
The wounds to Zimmerman's head and face are ignored by you. The statements by witnesses who were there are ignored, while you give credence to his girlfriend, mother, father and their attorney, and then only with part of the fathers statements. None of them were there and they have no knowledge at all of what happened. You say "all the facts" but you're pickling and choosing what "facts" you'll consider. It appears you reached a conclusion that Zimmerman was a racist and Martin was a choirboy when the media was falsifying their reporting, and now ignore anything that does not agree with that judgement. The info you based your judgement on was false media hype, but you won't let go of it. You have prejudged Zimmerman (and Martin). Prejudge=prejudice Literal translation I see physical evidence of an assault on Zimmerman, I have to give that more credence than some of the witnesses, who, you will have to agree, sound vague, at best.
WOW big old paragraph accusing me of a whole bunch of stuff... erm how did you deduce all of that from the few posts that i have made in this thread i would love to see you quote me saying anything to do with that stuff
Martin towered over Zimmerman, how was he to know his age.
about his age check the 911 tapes zimmerman got it pretty much spot on

You (not you personally) pass off Martins known "incidents" as nothing, then one pops up and claims Zimmerman assaulted women and cops. Yeah? When? No response. You have two standards, if that isn't discrimination, what is?

somone posted something along the lines about they would perfer to have everything stolen than to have a dead kid on sidewalk. your response was to bring up trayvons "incidents" from school months to that (and this time it was me) i asked if it was cool beans to bring up zimmermans past

for someone trying to accuse other people prejudice you have appeared to judged me and my belief on this with a few post by me saying trayvon is a kid and there is no evidence that he did anything wrong at the point zimmerman started following. as i said earlier i think your projecting here a wee bit
You are such a bad ass that you had to wait for Red to log off before you came out of hiding to post. Loser.

sorry, i was too busy collecting welfare and diddling kiddies.

not really, i was planting my garden, pulling some weeds, mowing the lawn, and fucking the shit out of chanice.

it was a good day.
zimmerman himself on the 911 tape described him as being late teens so he couldnt have looked that old.

he also said "i don't know where this KID is" before he told dispatch to have police call him for a location, rather then meeting at a specific location.

why? because "these assholes always get away" and zimmerman was going on the hunt for him, presumably to try and detain him so he wouldn't get away.

he described martin twice that night as a "kid" who was "in his late teens".
i gave you a new sig, i know you have nothing else going on in your life so i figured that would brighten your day.

Thanks Uncle Pervy, but it will have to wait till tomorrow. I have to get to bed because unlike your lame ass I have shit to do tomorrow. Speaking of nothing going on in your life, it's a good thing you have Candice to sponge off of huh ?
You can't afford Zimmerman "innocence," cos (you know), someone was actually killed, retard. Regardless, whether it's technically legal(I'm thinking not), he shot an unarmed 17 year old kid. Instead, he could've just went to a store himself, too.

Are you blissed out? Seriously, that shit made about as much sense as what "thump easy" from the toke-n-talk spews. Don't smoke anymore, read what you wrote again and then come back to me.
It was written in haste, and I suppose in retrospect if its was spoken (just like I heard it in my head) with the advantages of tone it would've made more sense.

The Sour Diesel has nothing to do with it either, I swear.