trayvan martin

The media can't convict so your statement is misleading.
If it wasn't for the media, he would not be on trial.

So murdering a teenager had nothing to do with it? I think it would be more accurate to say If he didn't murder trayvon, he wouldn't be on trial. the media had nothing to do with the events that occured that night. What they have to do with it now doesn't change the events only shines a light on them. that seems to be the part Z supporters have a problem with.

did not question your lack of patriotism. Just a C&P from Zimms website.

I should have known.
So murdering a teenager had nothing to do with it? I think it would be more accurate to say If he didn't murder trayvon, he wouldn't be on trial. the media had nothing to do with the events that occured that night. What they have to do with it now doesn't change the events only shines a light on them. that seems to be the part Z supporters have a problem with.

I should have known.

So can we count on you for a $20 then ???
If he would have defended himself the liberals would have him brought up on charges of racism.
Hmmmm, don't forget to thank the progressive, liberals for MMJ. I won't forget to thank a right wing gun nut for killing kids to send a message to the others. K
So can we count on you for a $20 then ???

It sure would be ironic if that money that was sent to him, that he lied about is what convicts him. Your 20 bucks was just a few inches of rope to hang himself with! Would have sent him $ if I know he would hang himself with it.
Sorry Liberals. Zimmerman is a hero. Neighborhood being robbed by black teens in hoodies. 8 times in the past two months. Another black visitor in a hoodie hops a fence to a community he doesn't live at. Is approached by neighborhood watch guy, attacks neighborhood watch guy to impress girlfriend. Smashes neighborhood watch guys head on pavement trying to kill him. Gets shot dead.

There have been no more break-ins in the neighborhood since Trayvon was shot.

So that's how they rationalize it..

:goes to Alaska shouting "FUCK PEOPLE":
The country you won't mention? LOL. Must be a real paradise.
It's right under my avatar, is it just me or do the noobs keep getting dumber and dumber on this forum?

EDIT: But for the record; if they let us smoke pot, buy drink 24 hours a day and stopped taxing working people to pay welfare to people who have never worked...then yeah, it'd be pretty much perfect.