trayvan martin

150 years ago, The U.S. was the tallest country. Now we're the widest. Why? Jobs went from farming to office work, and we started eating condensed food. Nothing raw has 2,000 calories.
Pity more Americans dont eat them regularly as opposed to chemical filled greasy shite, you's wouldnt all be such dumb, fat fucks then ;)

I'm a vegan, remember? I make all my food from scratch. Has that Irish whiskey killed those few remaining brain cells?

At least here in America we don't count to potato.

I try to limit my starch and sugar. A potato is one step away from pure sugar. To get my energy I eats lots of nuts, avocado, olives and coconut. When you eat no animal fats, plant fats don't tend to bind to the animal fats which I don't eat.

Animal fats bind easily to your animal fat. Plant animal fats bind easily to food animal fats, which then bind to your own fat. Plant fats don't tend to make vegans fat like lard ass meat eaters. When was the last time you saw a vegan fat ass?
I'm a vegan, remember? I make all my food from scratch. Has that Irish whiskey killed those few remaining brain cells?

At least here in America we don't count to potato.

I try to limit my starch and sugar. A potato is one step away from pure sugar. To get my energy I eats lots of nuts, avocado, olives and coconut. When you eat no animal fats, plant fats don't tend to bind to the animal fats which I don't eat.

Animal fats bind easily to your animal fat. Plant animal fats bind easily to food animal fats, which then bind to your own fat. Plant fats don't tend to make vegans fat like lard ass meat eaters. When was the last time you saw a vegan fat ass?

Yea, well after seeing Bill Clinton (he's a vegan) on television today, I say he needs a Mcd #1 supersized! He looks like he's 80.
So murdering a teenager had nothing to do with it? I think it would be more accurate to say If he didn't murder trayvon, he wouldn't be on trial. the media had nothing to do with the events that occured that night. What they have to do with it now doesn't change the events only shines a light on them. that seems to be the part Z supporters have a problem with.

I should have known.
What Murder? For it to be murder there has to be malice aforethought. i.e. Zimm followed Martin expressly for the purpose of killing him. Prove that one LOL
I'm a vegan, remember? I make all my food from scratch. Has that Irish whiskey killed those few remaining brain cells?

At least here in America we don't count to potato.

I try to limit my starch and sugar. A potato is one step away from pure sugar. To get my energy I eats lots of nuts, avocado, olives and coconut. When you eat no animal fats, plant fats don't tend to bind to the animal fats which I don't eat.

Animal fats bind easily to your animal fat. Plant animal fats bind easily to food animal fats, which then bind to your own fat. Plant fats don't tend to make vegans fat like lard ass meat eaters. When was the last time you saw a vegan fat ass?
All you need to be fat is to take in more calories than you burn, doesn't matter whether they are plant or animal based.

Plenty of fat ass vegans around, plenty of skinny meat eaters around.

how much energy do you get from sucking and licking nuts?
All you need to be fat is to take in more calories than you burn, doesn't matter whether they are plant or animal based.

Plenty of fat ass vegans around, plenty of skinny meat eaters around.

how much energy do you get from sucking and licking nuts?

I understand your point. All you need to do to ruin a perfect salad is some good 'ol ranch dressing. Eating raw plants WITHOUT adding concentrated lard is a sure way to lose wait. A thousand calories of meat isn't a huge serving when compared to 1,000 calories of spinach, or beans, or the like. Sure, you could eat whole avocados all day, but realistically, if you ate raw plant matter only, it would be a chore to consume more than 2,500 calories. I won't even get started on meat conditions in the USA. :spew:

And artery condition is another concern. Skinny people who wolf down Big Mac's are skinny, but sick. Plaque in the arteries sucks I hear. Fat in plant matter is scarcer than meat. I'm cool off of taking pills or drinking shit tasting shakes over a serving of some steak however.
What Murder? For it to be murder there has to be malice aforethought. i.e. Zimm followed Martin expressly for the purpose of killing him. Prove that one LOL

well "these assholes always get away" sounds like intent, but manslaughter would work for me just the same.
I agree, I have never tried to paint a picture of Z as a cold blooded killer. I do believe he is guilty of a crime much like a drunk driver who mows someone over. there wasn't intent (although following someone with a gun?) there was negligence IMHO. I think the police fucked up not investigating the scene with more scrutiny. I also think the Martin family is entitled to know what happened to their son and have a court do it's best to give all parties involved a chance at getting to the truth.