trayvan martin

you consistently mock, argue, or rebuke abandon.

you never made a single peep against the white supremacists, you just kept joining their group.

AC sent me a friend request a long time ago. I figured if he went to the trouble of sending it, I was not going to turn him down. The truth is, I kinda like AC. It has been interesting watching his online persona morph over time.

Here is a funny story: I sent "UncleBen" a friend request a long time and he accepted. It was a mistake, I meant to send it to "UncleBuck". True story. Now, I am not implying that I don't like UncleBen, I am sure he is a stand up guy. That was a close one, though.
You seem to know all the Nagger haters, Marie.

you guys do such a horrible job at trying to mask your clear and obvious contempt, or your ongoing delusions of persecution.

you think as long as you don't come out and say you are a white supremacist, no one will read between the lines when you constantly "misremember" things to make black people seem more violent and scary (every time, without fail in that direction) or call the president an "affirmative action" president or paint a picture of the persecution you face for hate crimes ("thought crimes", as you mockingly called them).

you are as transparent as the white sheets you adorn yourself in.
I just took a look at your petition to ban...

Shorter version: "Wah, this makes my pussy hurt, let's string 'em up."

Admission of guilt. Racist fuck.

"If the hood fits, wear it," he said. "The Tea Party has engaged in relentless racist attacks against our African-American President. For example, when the President visited my home of Orlando, Tea Party protesters shouted 'Kenyan Go Home.' Other examples include Tea Party chants of 'Bye Bye, Blackbird,' and Tea Party posters saying 'Obama’s Plan: White Slavery,' 'Imam Obama Wants to Ban Pork' and 'The Zoo Has An African Lion, and the White House Has a Lyin’ African.'"
Admission of guilt. Racist fuck.

"If the hood fits, wear it," he said. "The Tea Party has engaged in relentless racist attacks against our African-American President. For example, when the President visited my home of Orlando, Tea Party protesters shouted 'Kenyan Go Home.' Other examples include Tea Party chants of 'Bye Bye, Blackbird,' and Tea Party posters saying 'Obama’s Plan: White Slavery,' 'Imam Obama Wants to Ban Pork' and 'The Zoo Has An African Lion, and the White House Has a Lyin’ African.'"

do you know what a mudscuttle is?
do you know what a mudscuttle is?

I do believe I've heard of mudscuttle. Mrs Kynes certainly fits the bill. A modern day David Duke if you will, who, as chances would have it, is from Tulsa, OK. I do believe there is another bigot from those parts trolling these forums.
Congrats to you and buck - you both wear those hoods with such pride...

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*just saying...

see4, meet UncleBuck.

You people have a serious fetish with me. Listen, I've tried being polite about this, but clearly I need to be more forward with you.

I am not gay. I appreciate your online attraction for me, but I simply am not into you. I enjoy breasts and vaginas, not whining racist bitches.
What's funny is they never deny it just , move on with continued ad hom with racial and derogatory slurs

The funny part is that they can't tell buck is trolling the shit out of them, he doesn't care about yalls rascist tendencies he just likes letting everyone else know by default of your own responses and reactions that yall are bigots of the weakest order

And then see4 just makes you look even more the fool, with every reveiling quote he post you guys just respond with personal attacks suggesting you actually find it had some wieghg , his view....aka you get pissy

And then the bogan from australia , to funny
What's funny is they never deny it just , move on with continued ad hom with racial and derogatory slurs

The funny part is that they can't tell buck is trolling the shit out of them, he doesn't care about yalls rascist tendencies he just likes letting everyone else know by default of your own responses and reactions that yall are bigots of the weakest order

And then see4 just makes you look even more the fool, with every reveiling quote he post you guys just respond with personal attacks suggesting you actually find it had some wieghg , his view....aka you get pissy

And then the bogan from australia , to funny

Awww, how cute. The sock puppet is cheering for the guy with the hand up his ass. Could you be any more obvious or any less original?