treating powdery mildew


Active Member
ive been trying to treat my powdery mildew for the last few weeks with little success and im on day 14 of flower so i only have a couple weeks of treating with serenade and copper fungicide left. im removing all leaves as soon as i see any signs of pm and spraying weekly. my only question is everyone says to spray at night, which i have been, but its hard to make sure i soak all the leaves in the dark. could 5 minutes of iphone light once a week cause my plants to hermie?
Buy a green light... Super cheap and it attaches to any normal fixture. Turn off your normal light and flip on the green light and you're ready to go. The green light does not effect the plants what so ever during "dark" hours.
I dont know why youd want to spray at night or before lights out. I got pm on a bunch of vegtables a couple of years back because i was spraying water on the leaves when i was all drunk before id pass out and the reading i did said not to spray water at night because it wont evaporate properly and So everything i found said to water in the morning or when lights come on. Granted this info was for zuchinnis and tommatos i would think that the premis would still remain true in this instance. Since stopping the drunken late night watering ive had almost no pm on my outdoor crop.
The cheapest sulfur vaporizer I could find was $80 which I don't really have to spend, are there any cheaper out there? Also how quickly do they work because I really only hAve like 6 weeks left max. And will it effect the buds at all since I'm in flowering? If I manager to get the money together this will be the first thing I buy but I just want to make sure it's worth it with where I'm at.
It works fast. Get some prilled sulfur.

How big is your room? To fight active infestation I run it for 5 hours first dark period then 4 hours the next two days and then run weekly for 4 hours. Only run at dark period. Turn off ventilation but keep circulation fans and dehumidification running.
Ok I'm going to go out and buy one tomorrow, any ideas where would carry one? I really don't want to order one online and have to pay shipping and wait to get it. My room is a 4x8x7 tent with a constant exhaust.
I had a bout with PM a couple cycles ago it seems some strains are more susceptible to PM.I tried everything and the sulfur burner seemed to control it the best. After many hrs. of research on the net I found many people were talking about using milk to stop PM. I thought what the hell can't hurt to try it. The result was great and the plants loved it the PM was almost completely gone. I only use the milk spray during veg and maybe 3 weeks into bloom. The mix is 1 part FF milk and 9 parts water spay every couple weeks and dispose of extra mix it spoils quickly. I removed the PM covered leaves before the first treatment and by the second dose I could hardly see any PM. I would try to keep the overspray off the floor if possible it is milk I used a curved piece of cardboard to minimize the mess.
I agree with Native Humboldt on using milk. Works perfect all the way up to harvest
without any ill effect and the PM will not return. This is what they use in the big agricultural grows.
Will a sulfur burner add a taste to my flowers? When I bought it at the hydro store I was told it would smell horrible and be toxic so I can't imagine that being good for the plants.