Green Medical
Active Member

Champs Expo May 23-25 Toronto Metro Convention Center
Skunk Magazine and Treating Yourself will be hosting the Cup together
5th Annual Treating Yourself Cup + CHAMPS EXPO
Catagory: Best Bud , Best Concentrates , Best Hash and Best Medibles
Limit of 100 Judges for Best Bud
100 Judges for Best Concentrates / Hash
Ticket prices are $420 for Bud Catagory , $420 for Concentrate / Hash catagory or you can purchase both for $710 ( Bud + Concentrates ) $100 For VIP Pass
Tickets go on sale Feb. 14, 2014
VIP Judges Registration Form and Payment must be sent together.
The CHAMPS EXPO will be held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre and is open to the general public on Saturday May 24 and Sunday May 25, 2014
All those who participate as a judge will recieve a weekend pass for the CHAMPS EXPO
Cup winners will be announce on Sunday May 25, 2014 during the CHAMPS EXPO
If anyone would like to participate in the cup please send email to [email protected]