Tree sap dropping on buds


Well-Known Member
Got a few plants that are close enough to trees that are simply raining sap on them. I was getting wet myself from the sap coming down. It's making the buds turn a purplish black color.
Anybody have had any experience with this? Putting up a frame and plastic over the top is out of the question.
Was wondering if prior to cutting plants down if I could use a sprayer and spray dawn soap over the buds and wash them off and see if the sap washes away.
Don't spray your buds with water you will ruin them ......your pretty much outta luck unless you can harvest .......I have had this happend years back but it wasn't raining sap like your saying
The only chance you would have is to cover with clear plastic but you say that's out for some reason so I really don't know Good luck
How will water ruin the buds? It rains on them. It's bound to get some heavy rain sometime soon. We hadn't had a measurable rain in almost 2 months. Just sprinkles here and their. Usually it starts raining 2nd week of Sep and will rain for 3-4 weeks and turn off dry again for a month.

In the past this time of year is when I lose plants to mold. I've already had to cut down some prematurely due to mold when we were heaving heavy dews at night.

Plastic is out of the question because it would stick out like a sore thumb. And people would question why their is this frame with plastic over the top. Looks like it's tryin to protect something...let's go check it out.
Plus their are the po po who like to fly in their little plane and been using drones to get a closer look.
I know what you mean I parked next to a tree, came back 2 hours later the glass was covered in thick shit, got my screen replaces tho, as for you, cut off the hanging branches..?
I've cut off some of the branches. But it's a 70 ft tall tree lol it's gonna ding up around 4 plants. Gonna be about 10 lbs of bud minimum that's gonna be effected.

Anybody smoke any sappy bud before? Lmao might have a sweet taste to it
Ever tried washing sap off your hands as a kid? Doubt bud washing with plain water would work..maybe a h2o2 solution would work?
Maybe the tree is being munched on. Not sure how to wash off sap but you might be able to prevent it in the future (if your tree is be eaten).