TreeZ: WhiteWidow, WonderWoman and Return of Kandy Kush

Hey ST!!! i was hoping you (or enyone else) could help me out..... I have a strain that i was gonna chop tonight. only i don't have any more of it's kind and i really want to keep it alive so i want to know where would be the best place to take a clone from. the reason i ask is i know you were successful taking a very late clone of your KK. so without further a due here is what i'm looking at. It's a blueberry.


As you can see i don't have alot of lower growth.......


I was thinking about trying this one..... what do i do with the bud on top? leave it? cut it? where?? Thanks for any help!!!

I was thinking about trying this one..... what do i do with the bud on top? leave it? cut it? where?? Thanks for any help!!!


In that very last pic, you mention "this one?".. Yes. That one. I would it it NEAR it's base at a 45* with a sharp, STRERILE knife, or brand new razor blade will do fine. The bud on top, leave. That clone you're going to take is exactly what i did to mine a few days ago.. A technique known as Monstercropping. I searched for it in the forums with luck. The dude took a clone with the same size head on it as yours. I think you will be fine if you know what ur getting into! In any event, i hope it turns out well for ya, cause that Blueberry looks eye-gasmic! Good luck!
My mother was cut from a plant near the end of flowering.

revegging the clone will take 3-4 weeks, give it small dose of nitrogen when it roots and keep light cycle 24/7 or 18/6
Thanks guys! i will take 3-4 clones and snip off the buds and reveg. is it okay if i leave the small scraps of bud forming on the stems and only cut off the big buds?
and rep for all the help!

with my experiences you want to leave the bud mostly intact on the cuttings. i have not tried it with the bud removed. i remember reading that its good to keep the bud sites un damaged when going from flowering back to veg.

some info

oh and props on the beautiful plant
with my experiences you want to leave the bud mostly intact on the cuttings. i have not tried it with the bud removed. i remember reading that its good to keep the bud sites un damaged when going from flowering back to veg.

some info

I'm sorry i wasn't clear.... I'm gonna take 3-4 cuttings, clone them(just as they are) then i will snip off the big buds on the rest of the plant still leaving nodes to grow and all the green growth towards the bottom and then re-veg the entire plant just as it is. this should double my chances of keeping the dna alive.
Can't wait to see em smelly!

Thanks homie, putting pics up now!

I can't wait either! I love my 600watt already lol

There awesome arnt they :)

My mother was cut from a plant near the end of flowering.

revegging the clone will take 3-4 weeks, give it small dose of nitrogen when it roots and keep light cycle 24/7 or 18/6

Thats the main thing, GIVE IT TIME! If it doesn't dry up on you in the first day or 2 chances are you can keep it going!

Thanks everyone for helping him out, I wasn't able to get on for a few days obviously lol.

Thanks guys! i will take 3-4 clones and snip off the buds and reveg. is it okay if i leave the small scraps of bud forming on the stems and only cut off the big buds?
and rep for all the help!

I cut the big bud off the top but left the 2 smaller ones. I'll dig up pics in a sec, its crazy how they turned out, if you have the time and specially if its your last resort to keep a good strain going, monstercropping is the shit!

I'm sorry i wasn't clear.... I'm gonna take 3-4 cuttings, clone them(just as they are) then i will snip off the big buds on the rest of the plant still leaving nodes to grow and all the green growth towards the bottom and then re-veg the entire plant just as it is. this should double my chances of keeping the dna alive.

Very nice buds btw stoney :)
Thanks ST!!! SEXY young ones!!!!!! i thought you snipped the top off...... i have all the time in world to bring her back.... i have 5 other strains to keep me going during the reveg. when i monster crop and end up with a monster, if i clone the monster will it grow normal again?