congrats on the KK harvest!!!!! i can't wait to see the pics!!! I'm sure you will be a busy guy tonight!!! I am chopping my WOWO(wonderwoman) tonight!!! she has three more hours of darkness then it will be snip snip!!! we are both gonna be busy tonight!!!
My first tip would be not to buy inline fans online. The ones online, and I searched plenty, were all crazy expensive especially with the amount of air I wanted to move. You could easily pay $150 for one of the Smaller vortex fans that won't move half of the air mine is moving. I was at Baker Brothers Distributing, one of my local AC parts houses (they r national so they could be in ur area too but any AC supply house should have what ur lookin for), and asked one of the guys there about what they had and he came out with a 110v inline fan that moves 640 CFM and it was only $42. I bought it on the spot! So I would shop for ur fan needs there. My next tip is that duct cleaning is a load of CRAP that some companies use to get money outta you. They tell you all about mold and other scary stuff to scare people n2 thinking they need it done. All they do basically is come in and strap vacuums over ur vents and tell you that they are sucking them clean. What you have to remember is that air doesn't care if it is being sucked or blown when it's moving. Every time ur AC or your heat comes on there is a blower in ur air handler that comes on and is blowing air at a high velocity through ur ducts. If there was anything in ur ducts it would get blown out to ur vents, cause thats the end of the path, everytime ur machine comes on. It's like this: set a drinking straw on a flat surface and try to move it first by just sucking at it with ur mouth. It moves but there is a better way! now try to move the straw by blowing it. Works a hell of a lot better, doesn't it? If there was anything in ur ducts it would get blown into ur house as soon as the blower comes on and if u ever find stuff coming outta ur vents it means u have a hole in ur duct somewhere. If you want to "freshen up" ur ducts mix water with pinesol (pinesol is natural and completely safe to breath) in a spray bottle. Turn ur fan to on so that it's circulating air and open up your return and spray the entire bottle in there. Spray it in a mist and the blower is going to suck it through ur air handler and distribute it throughout ur supply duct system. Everything smells great! Sorry this got so big! Oops!
here for the ride again. kind of like a transfer on the public bus. one to the next one.![]()
Don't just cut n2 anything! Remember that anytime you tap n2 something to add an additional supply u r taking air from somewhere else. The best place to tap n2 is the main supply plenum cause that way ur only removing a very balanced, small amount of air and won't change the way the rest of the duct system works. There is a science to balancing air flow throughout an entire house and if you mess with it, you can dramatically throw it out of wack. What kind of duct system is it? what is it made out of? Hard metal pipe insulated? Flex duct? Is it in ur attic?
ya know i was talking about how my plants don't smell in my basement in your other thread last week..... well this WOWO is now upstairs getting ready for her chop and she is VERY smelly!!!!!!!!!!! something about my basement that keeps the smells down... i'm taking it as just good luck! but yea, three hours of being upstairs and the entire house smells right now!!!! my blueberries never stank this much!!!! I can't wait to vape some clippings tonight!! I will post a pic or two of my buds tonight to compair to yours... though i think you got me beat!!
Here the are, WhiteWidow in the white pot lol... WonderWoman black "BIG" pot. And Kandy Kush clone in the smaller square black pot
Now they get to sit under the metal halide and cfl's for a couple weeks
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Awesome man, you know I'm in, can't wait to see what you can get going with an hps
Gonna be nice because you are doing it! You seem to have a true green thumb.
looks great man...kinda weird being back to baby plants me its much more fun when they are in the flowering phase..but watchin them grow from babies to flower is fun also.+rep when it lets me againHere they are, filling in there new how quite nice
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White Widow, Germed on 11/30 so shes about 25 days old!
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WonderWoman, germed on 12/10 so shes around 15 days old.
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KandyKush CLone, took around 11/30 so shes about 25 days in now too. Starting to look crazy lol...
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looks great man...kinda weird being back to baby plants me its much more fun when they are in the flowering phase..but watchin them grow from babies to flower is fun also.+rep when it lets me again
when she gets 5 nodes tall and she's putting out the sixth set, let her know shes getting a haircut in the morning. give her some water. shes young so she might wet the bed, but she likes nitrogen so its notta probelm. then around ten o clock ten o clock eastern give her a drink, then around ten thirty eleven give her a trim. a good buzz cut. right above the second node. the first node is the immediate one after the baby leaves. sometimes it is right next to the baby leaves, some times its stretched far away. some times it looks like the baby leaves are the first node; in that case. they are.
i know you know this treez im just typing like a mad man ;D
heres some simple shit ready:
container=>dirt=>roots=>main stem=>baby leaves=>first true node=>main stem=> second true node=>a little bit of main stem=>SNIP=>two main shoots, two secondary=>INFINITE
Merry Christmas!