hell yeah smelly, welcome back! sucks about the busy-ness and not smoking-ness, but no worries, we're all patiently awaiting your next update, i'm sure it will be well worth the wait.
Hey smelly, whats happenin man? Dunno if I missed it, but did you ever describe the taste of the KK? (as must as you can with words lol)
right on man! Everything looks good, are you still using the same light?
That scrog looks like it workin for ya!!! I'm kinda of curious, how do you get in there to water them? and where does your run off go?
they sure do look big and healthy!!!!
Smelly, your sig link is dead. I am trying a little scrog also.
I am trying some single plant scrog's over a couple of my 3.5ga pails as part of my perpetual system. I am also trying a couple LST with tomato cages, similar to Hobbe's CCOB method. I can already tell I am going to like using the ring/support cages for LST/CCOB a lot better than a screen scrog, as it will be a lot easier for me to train and maneuver through a perpetual flower box. It should help make it easy for me to control the stretch and canopy extremes of a plant 10 days flowering in the same room as one thats been flowering for 60 days.
Right on, that's a pretty nice upgrade haha
I can only imagine what that KK might produce under the new conditions!
Glad to see you back Smelly! Awesome scrog you've got going there, cant wait till those buds start poppin up!
600 sounds like a bigger yield now...
wooo hooo, treeZ is back, hell yeah bro, looking real nice, guess that keeps ya busy, while smoking that killer bud, LoL.