hey hatch, got your pm. tried to send you one but your not taking any. thats cool, what a wiener he was for that. i am still in there. mabee i should tell him i did that to.
ya mang. he has given me atitude before also, to big for himself now i geusse.
i am updating my time laps video in my journal and sig. take a boo.
i take picturesa every 15 miuites then add them together then have to speed each shot up 3 to 5 times then put those together then add to the last video and do the speed up thing again.
but the rewards of having it on film is priceless for research.
more great pics bro+++++++++
Great pics man !!!!!!!!!!
looks like some real fucking dank weed my friend ! Damn, i would rip that anyday !!!!!!!
looks good. myself i still see clear to molky trich`s.
my opinion , not ready yet......... but i`m sure you know that
MMMMMMMUUUHHHH!!!Word!!!!,,I Was Shaking Bad That Day, & Started Out With The Camera On The Wrong Setting!!!HEHEHE,,Stone'der, Then I Thought, I Can Be, Or Was???Maybe So,?? Maybe No???HEHEHE,,Like I Aim Now!!~~~~!!~~~~!!~~~~HEHEHEHE![]()