Trichome pictures of a 69 day old Easy Ryder...ready to harvest tomorrow or not?

Apologize for the low quality trich's the best I can do through the microscope.

What do you think? Supposedly the Easy Ryder should be harvest between 70-75 days. This plant grew pretty fast and is reaching it's peak of maturation (I'm guessing because all the leaves are turning yellow and falling off.

When does it begin to lose potency because of waiting too long?


Top bud


Active Member
peronally I would give it a couple more days... most those trichs almost look clear. But he is right, trichs will continue to mature while drying.

PS what kinda light you using? Also would like to know how much you harvest, as I have 3 easy ryders that are about 2.5 weeks old.

do you all know how amber trichomes get? Is it really a distinct color or just somewhat like a few of them in the pictures above?


Well-Known Member
Yellowing leaves can be from using only a High Pressure Sodium lamp during flowering,
from the use of flowering fertilizers with low nitrogen,
and from environmental stress factors such as heat or light.

Looks good, Just chop it down whenever you want, any time now.
Trichomes are different based on genetics. Sometimes they turn a dark red/purple hue, and other times just amber.
Here are some more as of this morning.

I can't tell whether some of those are clear or are just another color or just out of focus. It's hard to get a decent picture through the microscope.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it is ready yet. Trichs may or may not continue to ripen during drying, have read studies saying both so to each their own opinion. Personally, they look very clear overall. If she were my plant I would wait until at least 80% milky before you harvest her, you have lots of time invested in her, another 4 to 7 days will truly be worth the wait.
She looks good by the way, just a few more days and keeping checking each day to watch the progress.