Trichomes already is this normal


Active Member
I'm on day 18 of flowering my White rhinos and I have noticed trichs forming already this is my first grow so I'm unsure if this is normal or not any help would be great thanks


Active Member
all good. pics would help, rhino is of the widow world and gets loads of them. early trics good sign .. imho.


Well-Known Member
triches already? consider yourself lucky. shit it takes two weeks for a plant just to push out pistils let alone triches.


Well-Known Member
Yea, you are lucky man. I am running some Afghan Indicas and they are just starting to get a bit of frost at 4 weeks.


Active Member
thanks im pleased that its all going as it should as i said this is my first and i half expected to screw it up any suggestions to a really good strain to do for my second grow


Active Member
so i was thinking of growin a cheese strain next but have heard that they really stink while growin is this true and if so whats the best way to get rid of the smell


Active Member
well being a newbie i didnt realise that you dont count the first 2 weeks as veg so what i thought was 5 weeks really turned out to be 3 but when i changed their light cycle to 12/12 they really bushed out something mental before they started to flower to be fair they probably bushed out for 2 weeks before any real flowers started to appear 20 days ago just out of interest why do you ask are you growin rhino or thinking about growin rhino


Active Member
I'm thinking of the Rhino for my next grow, which will be my 2nd. I'm still in the veg state for my 1st grow.

Question - how tall were your plants when you went to the 12/12 bloom stage?


Active Member
To be honest it varied between the 3 girls so they were 8" to 12" when i changed to the 12/12 cycle and boy did they bush right out


Active Member
Thanks. It appears that I am closer to bloom than I thought. I guess they really do blow up when you go to 12/12.


Active Member
Put it this way I'm day 20 into flower and they easily tripled in size as you can see in one of my pics they have taken up all space in my room


Active Member
Yes. Mike1977, you're doing an awesome job. I'll tell you, if mine look like that after 3 weeks I'm gonna be one happy farmer.


Well-Known Member
looks like you have some banana leaves goin on, in pic #3. There are multiple causes for this. The first could be that you are over/under watering your plants. The second could be a magnesium deficiency, and the third being that you could have a potential pH problem. Have you checked your soils runoff pH? Are you using any cal/mg supplement? It's always good to nip these things in the bud before they get out of hand. besides that, things look good!


Active Member
Agree with Penguinking....have you flushed? I had that problem for my first 3 grows...then I tried flushing right when I started 12/ more canoe leaves. YO


Active Member
to be honest ive only got one plant that has done that the rest are fine and there all on the autopot systems so their all getting the same nutes just not sure why this one is being awkward