Trichomes & Harvesting

I think I’m still 2-3 weeks away


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Hii guyss!!! Im a bit of a newbie here how far still do u think this plant has to go? its in its 43day of flower but i am a bit confused on what day it went into flower and what strain so i would appreciate some help plzz!! on the strain sidde it could be super silver or critical cheese the plant looks indicaish bushy and fat and it flowered fast.

I think i will look at it again at day 55?
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Hii guyss!!! Im a bit of a newbie here how far still do u think this plant has to go? its in its 43day of flower but i am a bit confused on what day it went into flower and what strain so i would appreciate some help plzz!! on the strain sidde it could be super silver or critical cheese the plant looks indicaish bushy and fat and it flowered fast.

I think i will look at it again at day 55?

Pic of whole flower and plant ....
Sveiki vaikinai. Kaip manote, kiek jis galėjo likti? : bigjoint: Tai saldaus sūrio autoflower. Now it's 62 days from seed.: piktžolė:


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If you are new to growing, I would advise:
70 days for indica dominant. And 85 days for a sativa dominate.

The number of flowering days seed banks state are in the 'perfect' world (i.e. when you get the right genetic from a seed*each and every seed from the same strain will have a different flower time*).
The only times I've found seeds flowering at the times the breeders state when I have paid way over £100 for a pack of 5 seeds (basically, the very high end seed banks - they seem to, generally, have more consistency in the genetics). dark horse genetics have been good for me (with the flower times). For lower end breeders (where you are paying under,say, £60 for a pack of 5 seeds), adding two/three weeks onto the flower time is a general rule for me. Although, this is just my experience mind :)

One last thing, the time it takes for the flowers/buds to 'go off' (going past the harvest window) is FAR longer (with most strains) than people generally think.
I still haven't got to 'that point' with any of my strains ..and I've left them over two/three weeks beyond the time I know I can harvest.
100% indicas do seem to have a smaller harvest window than sativa's. But, hybrid strains (so common now) are weird. They often reflect both types. Basically, giving you much bigger harvest windows than some believe (generally).

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[QUOTE = "Puff_Dragon, paštas: 16074806, narys: 921141"]
Jei dar nesate augęs, patarčiau:
70 dienų, kai dominuoja indica. Ir 85 dienos už sativa dominuoja.

Žydėjimo dienų skaičius sėklų bankuose yra „tobulame“ pasaulyje (kai kai iš sėklų gausite reikiamą genetinę medžiagą, * kiekviena pati padermės sėklos žydėjimo laiko autobusų sijonas *).
Vieninteliai atvejai, kai veisėjai nurodo žydinčią sėkmę, yra laikas, kai už 5 sėklų pakuotę sumokėjau daugiau nei 100 svarų sterlingų (iš esmės labai aukštų sėklų bankų - atrodo, kad jie turi daugiau genetinių nuoseklumų). tamsių arklių genetika man buvo gera (su žiedų laikais). Žemesnės klasės selekcininkams (kur mokate, tarkime, 60 svarų sterlingų už 5 sėklų pakuotę), man pridedant dvi / tris savaites į gėlių laiką yra įprasta taisyklė. Nors tai tik mano patirtis :)

Paskutinis dalykas: laikas, per kurį žiedai / pumpurai „nuvažiuoja“ (praeina pro derliaus langą), yra TOLIAU ilgesnis (su daugeliu atmainų), nei žmonės paprastai mano.
Aš vis dar nesugebėjau dabar „to taško“ nė su viena savo atmaina.
Atrodo, kad 100% indikatorių derliaus langas yra mažesnis nei sativos. Tačiau hibridinės padermės (tokios dabar paplitusios) yra keistos. Jie dažnai atspindi abu tipus. Iš esmės, suteikiant jums daug didesnius derliaus langus, nei kai kurie mano (paprastai).

Labai ačiū, pasirodo, kad aukščiausia klasės sėklos nurodo tikslesnį laiką, o žydėjimas trumpesnis, ar ne?
Ką manote apie „Hash Plant“ (132 reguliatorių sėklos kainuoja 132eur.) Ar šis bankas priskiriamas labai dideliam? Https:// ;-)
[QUOTE = "Puff_Dragon, paštas: 16074806, narys: 921141"]
Jei dar nesate augęs, patarčiau:
70 dienų, kai dominuoja indica. Ir 85 dienos už sativa dominuoja.

Žydėjimo dienų skaičius sėklų bankuose yra „tobulame“ pasaulyje (kai kai iš sėklų gausite reikiamą genetinę medžiagą, * kiekviena pati padermės sėklos žydėjimo laiko autobusų sijonas *).
Vieninteliai atvejai, kai veisėjai nurodo žydinčią sėkmę, yra laikas, kai už 5 sėklų pakuotę sumokėjau daugiau nei 100 svarų sterlingų (iš esmės labai aukštų sėklų bankų - atrodo, kad jie turi daugiau genetinių nuoseklumų). tamsių arklių genetika man buvo gera (su žiedų laikais). Žemesnės klasės selekcininkams (kur mokate, tarkime, 60 svarų sterlingų už 5 sėklų pakuotę), man pridedant dvi / tris savaites į gėlių laiką yra įprasta taisyklė. Nors tai tik mano patirtis :)

Paskutinis dalykas: laikas, per kurį žiedai / pumpurai „nuvažiuoja“ (praeina pro derliaus langą), yra TOLIAU ilgesnis (su daugeliu atmainų), nei žmonės paprastai mano.
Aš vis dar nesugebėjau dabar „to taško“ nė su viena savo atmaina.
Atrodo, kad 100% indikatorių derliaus langas yra mažesnis nei sativos. Tačiau hibridinės padermės (tokios dabar paplitusios) yra keistos. Jie dažnai atspindi abu tipus. Iš esmės, suteikiant jums daug didesnius derliaus langus, nei kai kurie mano (paprastai).

Labai ačiū, pasirodo, kad aukščiausia klasės sėklos nurodo tikslesnį laiką, o žydėjimas trumpesnis, ar ne?
Ką manote apie „Hash Plant“ (132 reguliatorių sėklos kainuoja 132eur.) Ar šis bankas priskiriamas labai dideliam? Https:// ;-)

I've heard Hash plant is nice. Though I have never grown it.
And to be honest, I haven't bought from Sensi Seeds for a long time. I found they dropped in quality quite some years back.
I think (I heard) they lost their original seed stock (in a police raid).
And so Sensi had to 'reinvent' a lot of its strains (if not all). Sadly, that took the old mojo away.
The last seeds I tried were Nl3 (northern lights 3) x Skunk no1. This strain was 60%Indica and 40% Sativa. I made a mother plant and cloned it for a few seasons.
It took 16 weeks to flower it successfully! And that was after growing it for three seasons before hand (with shorter flower times).
The first time I flowered for 60 days = meh.
Then 85 days (just a bit better then 'meh' quality - high was ok but the taste and smell were 'home grown' style).
Finally, while flowering others strains, I grew one more and just let it ride out till I saw some decent amber trics over the whole plant+buds (for the longest time the trics stayed clear / half clear / some cloudy / a few amber).
16 weeks = BooYaa! (high, taste, smell ..perfect)

However, that was just too wild a flower time for me to consider (the same as some 100% landrace Sativas).

A well priced Indica strain I would recommend (flowers in around 68 - 75 days) is a strain called Goldmine (Heavyweight Seeds). This is actually a cheaper strain but if your like that Afghani/spicy tasting indica vibe. It will hit the spot for you :)

*Engaging attempt at Lithuanian translation ;-)*

Aš girdėjau, kad „Hash“ augalas yra gražus. Nors niekada jo neauginau.
O jei atvirai, seniai nebepirkau iš „Sensi Seeds“. Pastebėjau, kad jų kokybė prastėjo jau kelerius metus.
Manau (girdėjau), kad jie prarado savo pradinį sėklų kiekį (policijos reido metu).
Taigi Sensi turėjo „išradinėti“ daug savo padermių (jei ne visas). Deja, tai atėmė senąjį mojo.
Paskutinės bandytos sėklos buvo Nl3 (šiaurės pašvaistės 3) x „Skunk no1“. Ši padermė buvo 60% Indica ir 40% Sativa. Aš padariau motininį augalą ir kelis sezonus klonavau.
Užteko 16 savaičių, kad ją sėkmingai pagražintume! Taip buvo auginant tris sezonus prieš ranką (su trumpesniu žiedų laiku).
Pirmą kartą žydėjau 60 dienų = meh.
Tada 85 dienos (tik šiek tiek geriau nei „meh“ kokybė - aukšta buvo gerai, bet skonis ir kvapas buvo „namuose užauginto“ stiliaus).
Galiausiai, žydėdamas kitus įtempimus, aš auginau dar vieną ir tiesiog leidau jam važiuoti, kol pamačiau padoraus gintaro trišakius per visą augalą + pumpurus (ilgiausiai trikai liko skaidrūs / pusiau skaidrūs / kai kurie debesuoti / keli gintarai) .
16 savaičių = BooYaa! (aukštas, skonis, kvapas .. tobulas)

Tačiau tai buvo tiesiog per laukinis gėlių laikas, kurį galėjau apsvarstyti (tas pats, kas maždaug 100% „Land Satras“).

Geros kainos Indica padermė, kurią rekomenduočiau (žiedai maždaug per 68 - 75 dienas), yra padermė, vadinama aukso kasykla (sunkiasvorės sėklos). Tai iš tikrųjų yra pigesnė padermė, bet jei jums patinka tas afganų / aštraus skonio indica. Tai jums patiks :)
[QUOTE = "Puff_Dragon, paštas: 16075924, narys: 921141"]
Aš dirėjau, kad „Hash“ augalas yra gražus. Nors niekada jo neauginau.
O jei atvirai, seniai nebepirkau iš „Sensi Seeds“. Pastebėjau, kad jų kokybė prastėjo jau kelerius metus.
Manau (beltėjau), kai jie prarado savo pradines sėklų atsargas (policijos reido metu).
Taigi Sensi jau „išradinėti“ daug savo padermių (jei ne vizos). Deja, tai atėmė senąjį mojo.
Paskutinės bandytos sėklos buvo Nl3 (šiaurės pašvaistės 3) x „Skunk no1“. Ši padermė buvo 60% Indica ir 40% Sativa. Aš padariau motininį augalą ir kelis sezonus klonavau.
Užteko 16 savaičių, kad ją geriau pagražintume! Taip buvo auginant tris sezonus prieš ranką (su trumpesniu žiedų laiku).
Pirmą kartą žydėjau 60 dienų = meh.
Tada 85 dienos (tik šiek tiek geriau nei „meh“ kokybė - aukšta buvo gerai, bet skonis ir kvapas buvo „namuose užauginto“ stiliaus).
Galiausiai, žydint kitus įtempimus, aš auginau dar vieną ir tiesiog radau jam važiuoti, kol pamačiau padoraus gintaro triukus per visą augalą + pumpurus (ilgiausiai trikai liko skaidrūs / pusiau aiškūs / kai kurie debesuoti / keli gintarai).
16 savaičių = BooYaa! (aukštas, skonis, kvapas .. tobulas)

Bet tai buvo tiesiog per laukinį gėlių laiką, kurį galėjau apsvarstyti (tas pats, kas maždaug 100% „Land Satras“).

Geros kainos Indica padermė, kurią rekomenduočiau (žiedai maždaug per 68–75 dienas), yra padermė, vadinama aukso kasykla (sunkiasvorės sėklos). Tai iš tikrųjų yra pigesnė padermė, bet jei jums patinka tas afganų / aštraus skonio indica. Tai jums patiks:)

* Įtraukiantis bandymas versti į lietuvių kalbą ;-)*

Aš dirėjau, kad „Hash“ augalas yra gražus. Nors niekada jo neauginau.
O jei atvirai, seniai nebepirkau iš „Sensi Seeds“. Pastebėjau, kad jų kokybė prastėjo jau kelerius metus.
Manau (vyriškas), kai jie prarado savo pradinį sėklų kiekį (policijos reido metu).
Taigi Sensi jau „išradinėti“ daug savo padermių (jei ne vizos). Deja, tai atėmė senąjį mojo.
Paskutinės bandytos sėklos buvo Nl3 (šiaurės pašvaistės 3) x „Skunk no1“. Ši padermė buvo 60% Indica ir 40% Sativa. Aš padariau motininį augalą ir kelis sezonus klonavau.
Užteko 16 savaičių, kad ją geriau pagražintume! Taip buvo auginant tris sezonus prieš ranką (su trumpesniu žiedų laiku).
Pirmą kartą žydėjau 60 dienų = meh.
Tada 85 dienos (tik šiek tiek geriau nei „meh“ kokybė - aukšta buvo gerai, bet skonis ir kvapas buvo „namuose užauginto“ stiliaus).
Galiausiai, žydėdamas kitus įtempimus, aš auginau dar vieną ir tiesiog radau jam važiuoti, kol pamačiau padoraus gintaro trišakius per visą augalą + pumpurus (ilgiausiai trikai liko skaidrūs / pusiau aiškūs / kai kurie debesuoti / keli gintarai).
16 savaičių = BooYaa! (aukštas, skonis, kvapas .. tobulas)

Bet tai buvo tiesiog per laukinį gėlių laiką, kurį galėjau apsvarstyti (tas pats, kas maždaug 100% „Land Satras“).

Geros kainos Indica padermė, kurią rekomenduočiau (žiedai maždaug per 68 - 75 dienas), yra padermė, vadinama aukso kasykla (sunkiasvorės sėklos). Tai iš tikrųjų yra pigesnė padermė, bet jei jums patinka tas afganų / aštraus skonio indica. Tai jums patiks:)

[/ QUOTE] Ačiū, mielas drauge :), : piktžolė: o tas augalas turi ne tik atpalaiduojantį jausmą, bet ir sunkumą bei įkvėpimą? Beje, gal ką rekomenduotum iš greitai žydinčių indikacijų, apie kuriuos nori daug juoktis ir kurie labiau veikia dėl sekso? ;-) : „Saunus“: [/ QUOTE]
Ei, draugai, nuo mano sėklų (7-8 savaičių žydėjimo) praėjo 72 sėklos. I was only able to find a magnifying glass 8 times, I took a picture, is it possible to figure out which stage the trichromes are in? I will be grateful for the help, friends :)


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Harvesting your weed based on trichomes is probably the easiest way for most growers to harvest as close to peak harvest as possible.

The difficulty in the method comes with how to determine the state of the trichomes and what each state means.
If you have the equipment needed it is however very easy and with experience it gets even easier.

To explain how to harvest by trichomes properly I will go into detail as to how to determine when trichomes are at their peak and which substances these trichomes contain, which are desirable and which are not.

The first thing you need to know is that there are 3 "states" in a trichomes development.

The first state is clear. Clear trichomes contain precursor cannabinoids (cannabinoids are the different substances in cannabis).
These precursor cannabinoids are not psychoactive (they do not produce a 'high') yet and harvesting clear trichomes will not give you a proper harvest.

The second state is cloudy/milky. Cloudy trichomes contain fully realized THC (the by far main contributing substance in any cannabis high).
You want to get as close to 100% cloudy trichomes @ harvest to get the most potency out of your plant. It's impossible to get 100% cloudy trichomes, since trichomes are always being produced and are always maturing, even after harvest the trichomes will continue to develop.

The third state is amber. Amber trichomes contain degraded THC --> CBN. CBN represents a loss of 90% potency (from THC).
CBN is not desirable in any harvest, since it not only represents a huge loss of potency but research into the substance has also shown that CBN does not produce a high like THC does, CBN produces a more sickly feeling not a true high.

Understanding the difference between clear - cloudy - amber trichomes is essential in getting a proper harvest with a peak potency.

This image is a good helper to remember the differences:


To understand how substances change and are developed in cannabis you will need to read extensively on each substance to understand what each substance does and how they affect each other.

This image is helpful in getting a vague knowledge of substances in cannabis and how they develop:


I will not go deeper into what each substance (CBG, CBD, CBC, CBN, THCV etc.) do, suffice to say they all play a part in the cannabis high, albeit a minor part for most of them, since THC is the main factor in a cannabis high.
Some provide pain relief, some reduce muscle spasm, the list goes on and research is still being done to figure out all of the benefits of these substances.

I can however post an image that explains rather well which effects the substances have on the human body:


Trichomes are of course not the only indicator of when to harvest.
There are other factors that should be taken into account when determining when to harvest.

Calyxes on the plant will swell up, these swollen calyxes are a sign of maturity.
The pistils (what some new growers call hairs) will change colour (often to an orange tinge) and recede into the calyx.
Receding pistils are also a sign of maturity.
Then there is the overall look of the plant. Many experienced growers simply go by this factor, they can determine peak harvest just by looking at the plant and seeing how it looks from afar regarding colour tinge and the look of the calyxes.

All these factors should be taken into account when harvesting. All of these factors usually align when peak harvest approaches.

The best way to check how the trichomes on your plant are doing is by means of a loupe or a microscope.
I would recommend getting ones that can at least go to 60x magnification.
Getting one that can go to 100x would be even better, but the more magnification the more cost.

All you have to do is take a small sample of a leaf with trichomes on it, or if you have a loupe or a USB microscope simply look at the trichomes on the plant to determine their 'state'.
It's important that you check all over the plant, since trichomes will usually develop and produce faster at the top(s) of branches and slower and the bottom of the plant.

Some people choose to harvest the tops first and let the bottom nugs grow a bit more to let the trichomes mature and develop further but also to let the buds fatten up more. It's a judgement and preference call really.

It's almost impossible to harvest without at least some amber trichomes (and some clear), keeping the amber trichomes to the minimum is key if you want maximum potency out of your plant.
Usually if you are careful and watchful you will end up with around 5% clear trichomes, 10% amber and 85% cloudy trichomes.
That is a very reasonable % split and is what you should be aiming for.

References & sources:

Marijuana Chemistry:
Genetics, Processing And Potency
Especially when it comes to haze strains which may take upwards to 90-120 days to mature. None of mine after 70 days of 12/12 showed any promise of amber. But all the other signs of maturing and ripening were there
Nutrient storage in cannabis plants is rather complicated, I've written extensively about it on this forum, you can find it if you search my nick and nutrient storage so I won't go into much detail here.
Suffice to say that you cannot 'clear' chemical taste out of cannabis, since it won't have any chemical taste in the first place, unless the particular strain you're growing has that trait.
Nutrients are not stored directly in the buds or calyxes. Nutrients are stored in the leaves and roots and transported around to fit the needs of the plant.
But nutrients moved to the calyxes are used up very fast, it's almost impossible to have an abundance of nutrients in the calyxes, where it is quite possible to have that in the leaves and roots.

Therefore there is no need to clear anything out of your plant.

You should not stop giving nutrients to your plants at all, it will slow growth and production in the most critical phase of flowering (end flowering).

Yes that is also a myth.
Most of the stuff you hear or have heard about 'bringing out more crystals, pushing out more crystals, explosive growth due to bla bla bla' is here say and a myth.

What you can trust to work is giving a balanced nutrient supply so your plants are as close to critical nutrient mass (neither abundance nor deficiency), which will allow critical production (get most out of your plant possible).
Keeping a proper light schedule is also key, as is air circulation and a ton of other things.

I would like to state that you can taste the difference between organic and salt grown . . .
I would like to state that you can taste the difference between organic and salt grown . . .
I reduce feed last two weeks and then to nothing last few days and definitely notice the difference. Burns cleaner faster with less cure. Have you ever smoked bud that sparked, crackled and popped? That is overfed bud, the joint ash burns black and the thing keeps going out. And the post you quoted is inaccurate. Some nutrients are mobile and and trasported through the plant, but others are immobile and once deposited in plant tissues are not.
I reduce feed last two weeks and then to nothing last few days and definitely notice the difference. Burns cleaner faster with less cure. Have you ever smoked bud that sparked, crackled and popped? That is overfed bud, the joint ash burns black and the thing keeps going out. And the post you quoted is inaccurate. Some nutrients are mobile and and trasported through the plant, but others are immobile and once deposited in plant tissues are not.

That is true. That is why cannabis/hemp is a known bio-accumulator. In new living soils, we're told to discard all first grow fan leaves due to the accumulation of possible heavy metals. If you're only growing with salts/chems are you really understanding what parts and pieces of those chems you are consuming yourself? For me feeding SST's and lacto and molasses are all continuing because you're priming the soil for the next grow. Also it is wise to figure sourcing on ferts and nutes. Just my .02
So, I just went outside to check on it and it broke in half. I have no idea what happened. Could have been a squirrel or could have just been weak from improper care. I’ve been learning as I go, which probably hasn’t been easy on my plant.
Those damn squirrels, I feed them and they still cause mischief! But you could save that - I've been shocked at how many horrible breaks with just a little left attached I"ve saved by just putting it together and holding with some scotch tape. If you still want her to keep growing try it - they repair very well.
Those damn squirrels, I feed them and they still cause mischief! But you could save that - I've been shocked at how many horrible breaks with just a little left attached I"ve saved by just putting it together and holding with some scotch tape. If you still want her to keep growing try it - they repair very well.
I agree. I straight broke some limbs. If you brace it and keep the area together it can be pretty amazing what can heal.
Thoughts, I’m debating whether to leave here in dark for 48 then harvest or wait a few days ?


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Just curious about why the darkness? And yes it looks good to go IMO. All I do is stop watering a couple of days before as it seems to help with the drying process and may possibly stress it into its final push to produce resin (no proof though) and I also reduce humidity but again no proof it helps lol. And if I’m running out I just cut it, dry it, and jar it ;).