Nutrient storage in cannabis plants is rather complicated, I've written extensively about it on this forum, you can find it if you search my nick and nutrient storage so I won't go into much detail here.
Suffice to say that you cannot 'clear' chemical taste out of cannabis, since it won't have any chemical taste in the first place, unless the particular strain you're growing has that trait.
Nutrients are not stored directly in the buds or calyxes. Nutrients are stored in the leaves and roots and transported around to fit the needs of the plant.
But nutrients moved to the calyxes are used up very fast, it's almost impossible to have an abundance of nutrients in the calyxes, where it is quite possible to have that in the leaves and roots.
Therefore there is no need to clear anything out of your plant.
You should not stop giving nutrients to your plants at all, it will slow growth and production in the most critical phase of flowering (end flowering).
Yes that is also a myth.
Most of the stuff you hear or have heard about 'bringing out more crystals, pushing out more crystals, explosive growth due to bla bla bla' is here say and a myth.
What you can trust to work is giving a balanced nutrient supply so your plants are as close to critical nutrient mass (neither abundance nor deficiency), which will allow critical production (get most out of your plant possible).
Keeping a proper light schedule is also key, as is air circulation and a ton of other things.