trichomes looking good , but the bud keep growing, should i harvest?


hi folks this is my 1st grow , i am growing a bagseed , today is completing 11 weeks of flowering , trichomes looking good , 10 % transparent , 85 % cloudy , 5 % amber. but on the on the main cola top and other buds top sides white hairs keep growing , i must say is a hermie . here's some pics , should i put on 3 days lights off and harverst or should i wait?


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Are you sure most of your trichs are cloudy?

That plant looks like it went through a TON of stretching...... maybe due to lack of light?

But other than the 5th pic possibly, those buds don't look done imo. I could be wrong though?!? I've personally never had a plant that was ready for me to chop, that still had fresh hairs popping up. So I don't think it's done.
Also.... you didn't cut any leaves off did you? Cause it looks like it's also starving from lack of foilage?!?!
My blue dream is the same way. The trics are done but the buds keep producing new hairs but never completely turn dark. I notice this more with my hybrids while my indica's always turn 100% dark hairs when they are ripe.
I have always observed late additional growth on the tops of buds and have found the plants that I allowed the new growth to turn dark like the rest ( about week 11 on an 8-10 week strain) has been better than the plants I harvested earlier so I think if the plant is putting out more growth allow it to continue by the looks of thoose buds maybe another fortnight for you
thx guys for answers , she's already on 11 weeks of flowering , i let her another 2 days and then 72h of darkness than i will harvest, can't wait :d
no a fortnight is 2weeks, he meant let her keep going. I'd say as long as you can hold out or until she starts to show an equal amount of amber/cloudy trichs using a 20x +. Unless she's a mad hermie and putting off nothing but male nanners, let her go... any new nanners put out now wont have time to mature anyway. Let her swell up a bit for better yield and a more mature flavor