Trick for flowering


Well-Known Member
This is a trick that every true breeder in Amsterdam knows, but that is rarely or almost never available on internet. Its purpose is to accellerate the plant methabolism to pass from the vegetative phase to the flowering phase. This result can be simply reached giving the plants 24-36 hours of dark in the moment that you are switching the timer from 18 to 12 hours of light a day. So, if you are, for example givin light from 9.00 am (sunday) till 3.00 am of the following day (monday), you can keep, only once, the lights off till tuesday morning or afternoon. Then go on with a normal 12 hours of light and 12 of dark. This simple trick reduce the flowering period of a few days (this depends by the strain, sometimeyou can save up to a full week of flowering). The plant have more time to develop the buds, and that will result in a bigger yield (10-20%). Really not bad for a simple trick that cost nothing, zero money, zero energy, zero time. You even save a few euro/dollars in the electric bill. What do you want more?
Just a little suggestion: don’t do it with plants from seeds that are less than 3 weeks old. Don’t do it with clones that are not perfectly rooted into their medium. The risk in both cases is to get midget plants, and a very insignificant harvest.


Active Member
So what your saying is by keeping the lights off a certain amount of time makes the plant bud.. im new at growing and i have pictures to follow this post im currently using the 24/7 cycle with my lights have been for 3 weeks should i stop doing that and what should i change the cycle to so i can get bud? thanks

don juan de pappi

Well-Known Member
H anyone tried this? I would hate to try this out on my crop and F@#$ it up. Not saying that it does not work, just wondering if anyone else has had success with this method?


Active Member
well all the pictures are of the same plant on the far end i got a few others that look like the last one lately they've been growing new leaves fully in 3 days the least idk im new remember that lol thanks and so i should change the cycle now then to 12/12???


Active Member
I've done this with much success !!

The only downside is they tend to grow an extra 2-3 inches because of the darkness.