Tricombs should I harvest


Well-Known Member
To me they all look clear and/or turning cloudy as we speak, I say your almost there mate, maybe let some amber develop 5-10 % but i don't see amber yet, could be my eye.

What strain how many days etc?


Well-Known Member
I'd like to see a whole plant pic also, because in my world ( and with my tastes ) those look done to me. Just my preference.


Well-Known Member
Around about, maybe, yeah and no... the only way to tell mate is looking at those tricombs, and witness the pistils recede and the buds plump up some.

Do a little more research on when to harvest, looking at tri's etc. Plenty of videos and info on the topic.

I'd say 2 weeks min with a sativa like this at 10 weeks looking the way it does.


Active Member
I would flush that plant on the left if you haven't, it will burn poorly with that much nitrogen. What's up with the top of that cola anyways, looks weird IMO?