Tried coke

I have no idea, when I heard it I figured it was just a other doper story. Hell, maybe it is. I can't imagine why and I can't imagine how anyone could cut it into blow and not I've never heard such pish in my life,, if you snorted 2 lines of coke with fentanyl in it ,you would fucking die,,end off,,, especially if you have no addiction to it ,,and then by snorting in
I have not seen anything that has been cut for quite a long time. Of course there is cocamine in there at all sorts of amounts, sometimes as much as 30 percent.

So the question is...can cocamine be considered a cut? I hold that it cannot because it was never intentionally introduced.
I haven't seen anything clean in years but weed and maybe some hash, and some molly once
I told this to my friend first trying blow and he said my way to describe makes the most sense.

First time you try coke you wont really understand the high you are looking for but fuck it cause life's great.
By people with no more than a 5th grade education who are doing what they were told to step by step. There were only a few true artisans in the 70s and eighties. Now I doubt there are any left at all.

Now, again, consider that they do not have access to quality chemicals. Do any of you old timers recall the heavy smell of diesel in your precious powder? How about benzene? I dont recall them. I think I first encountered it in the early 90s.

Why? Cause coca country is on a solvent diet. No 55 gallon drums of dry acetone.

No dry methanol. And certainly no way to bubble through the final product.

So they cycle through and past the perfect methods and solvents to kerosene and benzene. , no third wash because what little acetone they have cant be wasted in a procedure that, practically, to them, only reduces the yield and the gringos dont really care even if the jungle techs might.

And of course when it gets over the border it IS cut, why? Because that's the way it has been. Because consumers have no distinction and at that level they are buying prestige more than a proper cocaine high.

It isnt anyone's fault I suppose. Most dont know what they want because they havent ever had it and some are driven to the idea more than the substance.

Dont believe me? How often do you think some guy who has scraped up his 200 bucks or whatever, sees his man decides that it just isnt good enough and rejects it?
Not many, they would rather have bunk in their pocket than walk away.

That's not cocaine, that is the idea of cocaine. Our new friend that started this thread is living proof.
Shit heard speed was pretty much like an entirely different drug and not nearly as harmful. Fuck dat shit do I just have to stay away from alcohol it's like my initiator for harder drugs.
Amphetamine is clean and good and got tons of kinds, speed is cutten amph and meth is a different world.
Meth is basically bath salts in other words.
Just jacking off and switching porn videos every 30 seconds. Lmfao
so I tried doing two lines of coke yesterday, this was confirmed to be 100% pure coke and tested for fentanyl. So it is legit, I tried it with a friend who has done it before and even he stated that it felt like coke to him, anyway after snorting I DID feel something but it wasn’t very exciting, honestly I’d prefer Molly or even Ketamine, and my pupils stayed the same, other than a slight euphoria and very mild increase in energy and creativity, it didn’t do much, I didn’t get over the top confidence or energy, and I felt really hungry which is odd considering I’ve been told it suppresses the appetite, I’ve decided not to try it again cause I’m honestly disappointed and so confused as to why people throw away their lives for the stuff when it’s nothing that special, has anyone else experienced this? I should note alcohol and weed and GHB are similar to me where I don’t really like using them and don’t seem to affect me very strongly without dangerous amounts and I have a VERY fast metabolism.
I would advise you to stay away from Cocaine if you have the tendency to do things in excess, like myself. I’m 14 years clean but lost late teens and most of my 20s to Cocaine addiction. It fucking sucks, weed is much better.
I never could see what all the hubub was about with coke. I tried it. All it did was make me lose my weed buzz, felt like I just woke up. Also fucked with my prostate making it hard to pee. I fail to see what it is that makes people wanna do coke. It even tastes / smells nasty.

It can affect people though. I dated a girl who was awesome. She got hold of some coke and she changed into a raving lunatic. She couldn't stop doing the coke until it ran out. The next day she was evil. I couldn't be with her after I saw her like that. Coke really gets a hold on some folks.
Yah. Fuck some cocaine
I would advise you to stay away from Cocaine if you have the tendency to do things in excess, like myself. I’m 14 years clean but lost late teens and most of my 20s to Cocaine addiction. It fucking sucks, weed is much better.
Struggling bad myself right now. I’ve cut my use way back only a couple grams a month. Terrible drug
It’s so hard man. You can do it though. Only way I was able to get away from it was by cutting myself from all my so called freinds. Only then was i successful. Good luck
Yup meetings meetings meetings and staying busy. First two months are the toughest then start thinking of it less and less. Drug is to damn expensive too.
Shit heard speed was pretty much like an entirely different drug and not nearly as harmful. Fuck dat shit do I just have to stay away from alcohol it's like my initiator for harder drugs.

meths disgusting it smells like shit tastes like shit and burns your nose
I tried in a few time (someone left their pipe and 3 grams at my house and I didn’t feel right throwing it away that would be abuse)
I smoked/snorted it in probably less than 12 hours and I could fall asleep no problem
I struggle to sleep on coke
The only time it’s ever had a effect was on mdma and it intensified the mdma high 10 fold
I’ve never had such hallucinations/visuals from it
I know the pain bro and a battle for life. That switch sometimes comes on and almost impossible to shut off. Truly believe addiction is a disease.

try having at minimum 1000 a week habit
and that’s no exaggeration
14 years of heavy use
I wish I never touched the good stuff
The pic I attached is some of the best I’ve seen around
The better it is the more I do


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I know the pain bro and a battle for life. That switch sometimes comes on and almost impossible to shut off. Truly believe addiction is a disease.
Revisiting to hope you’re doing good
Struggling bad myself right now. I’ve cut my use way back only a couple grams a month. Terrible drug
You can do it brother. The long game, don’t make every slip up or w/e your focus. You can and will win this if you make the choice to not lose this fight.
Revisiting to hope you’re doing good

You can do it brother. The long game, don’t make every slip up or w/e your focus. You can and will win this if you make the choice to not lose this fight.
Yes sir. Doing amazingly actually finally left the sawmill and starting on my first legal cannabis farm next week.
meths disgusting it smells like shit tastes like shit and burns your nose
I tried in a few time (someone left their pipe and 3 grams at my house and I didn’t feel right throwing it away that would be abuse)
I smoked/snorted it in probably less than 12 hours and I could fall asleep no problem
I struggle to sleep on coke
The only time it’s ever had a effect was on mdma and it intensified the mdma high 10 fold
I’ve never had such hallucinations/visuals from it
Yea must have been some bullshit if you could sleep under 12hours. Also the better it is it tastes sweet and smells sweet. Garbage stuff smells like burnt plastic.
so I tried doing two lines of coke yesterday, this was confirmed to be 100% pure coke and tested for fentanyl. So it is legit, I tried it with a friend who has done it before and even he stated that it felt like coke to him, anyway after snorting I DID feel something but it wasn’t very exciting, honestly I’d prefer Molly or even Ketamine, and my pupils stayed the same, other than a slight euphoria and very mild increase in energy and creativity, it didn’t do much, I didn’t get over the top confidence or energy, and I felt really hungry which is odd considering I’ve been told it suppresses the appetite, I’ve decided not to try it again cause I’m honestly disappointed and so confused as to why people throw away their lives for the stuff when it’s nothing that special, has anyone else experienced this? I should note alcohol and weed and GHB are similar to me where I don’t really like using them and don’t seem to affect me very strongly without dangerous amounts and I have a VERY fast metabolism.
Its not coke, or if it is, its super weak. You should be very chatty, and rushy. Not eating is definitely a sign of meth or coke. If your eating alot on coke idk what is wrong with you
Yea must have been some bullshit if you could sleep under 12hours. Also the better it is it tastes sweet and smells sweet. Garbage stuff smells like burnt plastic.

The half life of cocaine in the bloodstream is one hour (of course it varies by individual).

That means that if you took, one time, 40 mg of cocaine, in one hour there would remain 20 mg. In another hour, 10, in another, 5 and so on.

Cocaine has a very short serum half life.

That means that if you are still sleepless after having stopped taking and the residual in your mucosa has dissolved, four or five hours later, it was not cocaine.