Well-Known Member
True say. It’s hard to justify the mark ups on local brick and mortar. I paid $36 for 1 bag of 1.5cubic feet of FFOF. Went online and found it for $16. Ordered 4. I get they have over head but it’s getting to be a little rediculous. I just avoid all b&m’s. Eventually they will all be out of business, it’s kinda sad but hey people want savings. Once amazon goes to 1 day shipping everywhere b&m’s will get crushed.It’s gonna take longer to get my cloning stuff. I have to order it online. Could have gotten it all today but the local hydro store was just too much. I’m all for supporting local businesses and don’t mind paying a premium, but when they’re 2-3-400% more than what you can find online, it’s just ridiculous. I added up the costs of what I need, and I can keep it under 100$, I went to the store and after doing a little addition, I was looking at 350+.