Trim leaves in veg


Active Member
20” to close for those lights they need to be a good meter away at this stage buddy and yes 7 10 days water you will see a vast improvement. So for now I’d say lights up and no water for a bit should get u back on track mate


20” to close for those lights they need to be a good meter away at this stage buddy and yes 7 10 days water you will see a vast improvement. So for now I’d say lights up and no water for a bit should get u back on track mate
I’ll give it a shot. Watered 2 days ago so I’ll wait another 4 days and check. Also I’ll raise the lights


Active Member
Both those things lights and water I would address ASAP keep the pics coming and can keep the advice coming it’s all a learning curve but that’s the fun bit


Thanks for all the help guys. Not the easiest thing to balance everything but since this is the first run I know there is much I have to learn


Did some trimming of the lower leaves last night. Most of them had rust spots anyway, figured I would let more light and air hit the plants since the lower parts were being blocked. I only took like 10% of the lower fan leaves. Was this a bad idea or will it actually help promote growth.

Today will be 3 days since last watering, the pots feel really light. Should I continue to wait till they start wilting or should I water them tonight or tomorrow morning ?


Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Did some trimming of the lower leaves last night. Most of them had rust spots anyway, figured I would let more light and air hit the plants since the lower parts were being blocked. I only took like 10% of the lower fan leaves. Was this a bad idea or will it actually help promote growth.

Today will be 3 days since last watering, the pots feel really light. Should I continue to wait till they start wilting or should I water them tonight or tomorrow morning ?
Plants absorb light thru leaves not thru buds
More leaves stronger plant growth


Damaged is brown and down
A mistake just leaves them discolored but still pulling in light
Well too late now. This is the first run and I’m not expecting miracles. Just more testing and experimenting to get things right (hopefully) or wrong.

I appreciate all of the advice so I can get better as time goes on and I get more experience.

INF Flux

Well-Known Member
A lot of us "lollipop" our plants as a matter of sop. Removing lower leaves that aren't getting much light anyways should be fine.
There's two schools of thought on this. Precious solar panels, and hedge trimming. I tend to lean towards the side of aggressively trimming and training the plants. As with all things, there are good and bad ways to go about doing that. I learned by watching others and judging the effect of what they were doing before trying things out on a test plant or two.


New Member
I’m on my first grow and so far things haven’t gone too badly. I water the ladies with deionized water and made a bit of a mistake. Since deionization takes out all of the minerals in the water I should have supplemented with cal-mag. Well I didn’t do that and after about 4 weeks growth came to a halt and a couple leaves got the calcium deficiency rust spots. That was a few days ago and after a foliar spraying and watering with cal-mag things seem to be going back to normal. Growth has started back up and the plants in general look much happier.

My question is should I trim off those darker older leaves to give light to the newer and non rusty growth?
you CAN'T beat real 100% free
rain water.