

Well-Known Member
Ive had the same pair of small fiskars for almost 10 years now and love them and couldnt think of trimming any other way.I dont have the pressure to get weight trimmed in a short amount of time like ive had in the past now that im growing perpetual.After spending so much time taking care of them I find it very therapeutically rewarding to spend their last days trimming them up by hand.Ive only seen them in ads but think id find it hard tossing them into spinning blades.I personally like a tight clean trim which leaves a lot of real nice sugar leaf for whatever.Just my $0.02


New Member
Damn , gotta love the haters .. Not that I was boasting but I average such by removing all leaves without sugar by hand and fast plucked and chucked . This alone speeds up the job and in the end when you have trimmed hundreds of plants you learn to grow mostly those with a minimal leaf to calyx ratio . The first shot is the worst that I grow for trimming , and this one I can trim easly 8 ounces in an hour .. Look at the buds and you ll see why .. The group shot , I can trim ladies like this and take down a pound in an hour with very little scissor time .. So thanks again to the haters that are most likely trimming piles of trim in the first place .. Wet or Dry I can trim , so what I have done it for 25 years and I grow and trim effeciently .....PotSnob


Note : Nothing smaller than shown hanging will be trimmed .. The rest is Hash and Oil material ........


New Member
Only 4 to 8 times faster than the fastest person I know, your bragging skills must be set on high
i am pretty fast at one pound in four hours. you must not trim very well or you are blowing smoke.
his buds are still covered in leaves when hes done haha. he doesnt have the same definition of trimming as we do.


Wet or dry, that's pretty gangster or complete BS.

Read post above and think twice !


Well-Known Member
Where are your nugs >? Nothing new , talking shit with nothing to show .. Hurry and google some nice photos for us !

  • ol ya your plants have like four spotted nugs up one branch looks like charlie browns christmas tree

i said this to lucious v not you.....

i said we have diff definitions of TRIMMED yours are still covered in leaves, that shit looks like some nasty white russian or big bud i saw awhile ago. lets see a pic where you can actually see the quality of the bud


Active Member
wow please show some of your grows because professorpotsnobs are some of the best i have seen and a hell of a lot better than i have ever grown so str8sativa PLEASE SHOW US imo