Trimming during flower?

bus driver

Active Member
Hey guys, i was just wondering, i am at day 13 of flower, i would llike to trip up some new developing fan leaves, can i do this without stunting my plant?


Well-Known Member
don't do it. Any trimming of fan leaves will reduce final yield, the fan leaves process
photosynthesis, store sugar for bud growth and any light gain is way offset by the loss
of vital source of storage and conversion factories. Most experts I've read on this agree. If you want to try tucking bigger leaves under buds to expose more budding sites to light, but leave the leafs if at all possible to process for the final budding outcome.


Well-Known Member
you can cut fan leaves off,it will slow or stop growth for a few days but dont cut off the fan leaves getting the most light!many ppl do it,for example when they lollypop there plants and still get fat bud!dont go ott tho coz it can stress ya plants too much and turn them herm.

bus driver

Active Member
so if say i did alot of fan leaf cutting during week 4 of veg will my results likely be hermie? Do Female plants have any kind of Balls on them like the Male plants do? and if they do is this a hermie plant?


Well-Known Member

Also day 13 you should see signs of sex, especially if you have any males, I killed all mine and made into hash or else I'd snap a pic of a male for you. Do you see any white hairs(pistils) on your plants? Also how many plants do you have? If you have a few that are a bit taller and seem to be growing faster vertically than the others, these are probably males.


Well-Known Member
I always cut my fan leaves away to expose bud sites all the way through veg and flowering and my buds are fat and strong and never hermie.
In the final week or 2 theres not much leaf on my buds at all.

Id hate to think how much crappy leaf people grow for no apparent reason just because they read it in a book when they want to grow buds not leafs.
Plants in a cupboard or grow room don't need excess leaf as they have no predators and no need to store as we feed them.

Buds grow their own little leaves anyway.
Grow buds not leafs.
This is all my opinion.
Its what i always do.
Here are my pics.
I don't want to argue about it just do it how you want to:peace::joint:



Well-Known Member
dont do it its the way ur plants get feed it would be crazy to do !! only because u dont have leaves does not mean ur going to get more erb its the other way!!!the more leaves the more ur plant abseriveds the light the big ur erb and u should buy jorge cervantes book or dvd its good info!!!


Well-Known Member
yes but if those leaves are getting next to no light there not much good especially if there getting in the way of bud that could be getting light!as long as the fan leaves getting the most light are kept on its fine!you dont wana take all fan leaves off!that,ll slow down bud growth coz the small leaves will have to get bigger to absorb more light to produce more leaves to help with bud growth!


Well-Known Member
yes if their in the way of other bubz trim them other then that no i would not!! lower leaves can all be trimed and then lollypop them and i know u will get a better yield!!


Well-Known Member
i was wondering the same thing, should i trim up my White widow max? shes a beast, has huge leaves covering the center, where there's alot of intertwining growth so i dunno. what do yall think? shes definately female, been flowering for 3 weeks and has hairs growin all up on the sides in multiple spots underneath the huge leaves?
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