Trimming for maximum yeild


Active Member
I just have one small plants ATM flowering. I started flowering it at 9"ish and its now done 2 weeks of flowering. Its about 13-14" now. I topped it at one point in veg and it has 4 main branches.

I noticed the main 4 are flowering nicely and about halfway down those branchs look good but all the little stringy branches from the bottom are doing almost nothing, just a few little hairs and such.

I was thinking I should strip off all that little junk around the lower part of the plant and just leave the main 4 branchs for flowering, and hope they beef up more this way. I am flowering under a 430 watt HPS,

What would you do?


Well-Known Member
i think that is called lolly popping. you cut the scrawny ass lower branches that dont yield anything. then the upper buds get all the energy. as long as you are the first week or 2 of flower you should still be able to do it with good results.


Well-Known Member
I always trim my plants up of any vegatation that isn't getting proper light.It takes away from the rest of the plant and it sucks dick to trim.We call it i hate fucking scag!


Active Member
Ok cool I trimmed off all the lower crap. I already had some clones made so I just scrapped it all.

Thanks all

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
I always trim my plants up of any vegatation that isn't getting proper light.It takes away from the rest of the plant and it sucks dick to trim.We call it i hate fucking scag!
I know people who love to get my scag (I call it leavings). So I just give the little friggers away to friends.If all you got is mersh, kind bud leavings are better.

But I have never trimmed them off before so now I'll do an experament with 2 clones of the same plant vegged to the same size. I'm gonna put them into flower at the same time and trim one.Just another thing to keep track of in my grow journal.


Active Member
I know people who love to get my scag (I call it leavings). So I just give the little friggers away to friends.If all you got is mersh, kind bud leavings are better.

But I have never trimmed them off before so now I'll do an experament with 2 clones of the same plant vegged to the same size. I'm gonna put them into flower at the same time and trim one.Just another thing to keep track of in my grow journal.

Years ago I used all my trimmings at harvest to make some butter. You just melt some butter in a sauce pan and mix all the trimmings in and let it simmer for a few minutes, then strain it through some cheese cloth and squeeze all the juices out into a butter tub, then refridgerate it untill its solid butter again. My wife complianed it tasted like crap so I threw it away. Of course the dog got into my trash can and ate the whole tub, he was unable to stand for a whole day. He was chill the rest of his life lol...I felt horrible that night though.