Trimming love to hate it !

There is no sugar coating it, it sucks dogs balls. Worst aspect of growing by far imo. I'd rather scrub pots and trays.

1. I use a standing desk and trim standing up. When I get to the point of cant take it any longer, I take a break, have a sandwich etc.

2. Tried loads of scissors and have settled on the red handled flower snips from the garden centre as being the best for me. Have 2 pairs on the go, sitting in a bottle of metho. When one gets caked up, into the bottle, grab the other pair and keep going. I could care less about a few grams of scissor hash when I have a couple pounds of bud sitting there.

3. Only hand trim colas and nice side nugs. Smaller buds and larfy stuff goes into a bowl trimmer. Life's too short.

4. Disposable gloves simply to save the hassle of scrubbing my hands, no mask.

Fuck trimming.
We have internet/devices to learn lots of new skills and make a profit while doing it :shock:. Like those snowflakes who have a ''safe space'' I have a ''learning space''.
I hate trimming ! I sneeze like crazy and my back hurts after a while. Not to mention it's so tedious ! I hate trimming. Enough said.

What is your take on trimming ?
Any tips ?
Time savers ?
To wear a mask or not to ?
Gloves or none ?
Love or hate ?
I now concentrate on trying to produce bigger colas, either by growing many single colas in sog or scrog and not over topping in veg and removing undergrowth that would otherwise become popcorn. Ive also found that staggering my harvests is the way to go so your spreading the trimming out over 8 - 10 weeks rather than aftet 8 - 10 weeks having pounds to harvest at once!!
I have a friend that actually enjoys it. He meticulously trims every bud. What would take me thirty seconds to trim he spends five or ten minutes on. I tell him he's crazy. He just laughs.

I use Fiskars. Bought two pair years ago.

I am not one for tedious tasks. Never have been.

My trimming has developed to multiple stages.

-First I pluck every fan leaf I can find

- cut plant whole and hang for 3-4 days (until the sugar leaves start to flop down around the bud)

- then I separated the long branches and then rough trim just quick around the buds so I don’t get them wrapped in a cocoon of leaf

-Hang the individual branch/cola

- when dry I may give them a quick touch with scissors before into the jars.

- then after 2-3 weeks in the jar I will pull out a jar (3-4oz) and trim it up nicely.

I can’t handle more than a hour at a time.