Trimming up during flowering... how bad is it?


Active Member
I'm growing this plant from seed... I vegged for 30 days and it is now 30 days into flowering. The bastard has grown to over 4ft. tall and I am using only CFL's, so I don't have the juice to light up this big ass plant.

I have been thinking a lot about trimming a lot off of the bottom of the plant so the buds up top fatten up. As it is right now, I've got literally about 50 small buds growing all over the place and they are growing very slowly.

I was wondering if it is really bad to trim the bottom 1/3 during flowering... is it too late now?

If I should trim it up, should I whack off everything on the bottom 1/3 or should I leave all the fan leaf branches and only cut off the budding branches?

Thanks for the help. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
dude dont trim anything now.... next time around lolypop the girls in veg ... if u do any trmming now it will be disasterous to buid production


Active Member
damn... Im going to be stuck with 50 tiny buds...

I have one tiny twiggy short weak looking plant that has buds 3x the size of this big ass plant.


Well-Known Member
If you really cant afford even the small cfls to put around the plant then trim the dam thing,,, it will be better than your alternative, you will be much happier with a few bigger buds than a lot of tiny ones that WILL be underdeveloped due to lack of light........:peace:..........................................


Active Member
If you really cant afford even the small cfls to put around the plant then trim the dam thing,,, it will be better than your alternative, you will be much happier with a few bigger buds than a lot of tiny ones that WILL be underdeveloped due to lack of light........:peace:..........................................

My plant almost looks like the one in your avatar. Its really bushy at the bottom and then thins out towards the top. I have 1 CFL that I can use about 1ft from the bottom of the plant. I just turn the plant every few hours so the light gets on all of it at least for a little bit.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying that you only have one cfl or one more,,, how many total????? With good reflection like mylar you can sometimes get away with a little less light if you absolutely have too,,, at least until you can get a couple of smaller ones to help.....:peace:...............
My plant almost looks like the one in your avatar. Its really bushy at the bottom and then thins out towards the top. I have 1 CFL that I can use about 1ft from the bottom of the plant. I just turn the plant every few hours so the light gets on all of it at least for a little bit.


Active Member
All my CFL's are 26w (100w equivalent)

I have 3 on the top of this plant full time and another one about a foot from the bottom of the plant.

The problem is that I have 12 CFL's total, but I'm using the others to keep some clones alive I cut from this plant. I don't want to have to start from seed again and my goal is to keep a small steady supply of bud coming (just enough for me- not to sell or anything) so I want to keep these clones growing so by the time I've puffed the hell out of this first big plant I've got some more hanging up to dry. :)


Well-Known Member
yeh its absolutely fine to trim now,,,ive done it,and was very happy with the results,,,peace


Active Member
How big is your plant,,,,, and how many clones are there......:peace:........
The plant is just under 4ft tall. I have one other plant that I grew from seed starting the same time as this plant, but it stopped growing at about 1 1/2 ft tall. Its buds are growing pretty nicely.

I also took 2 clones from each plant, 4 total.