If by "veg" you meant to harvest or take or chop or whack or whatever your plants and you wanted to know what to do then follow the link and it will tell you all you need to know.
If you meant veg when you typed "veg" then you have more than enough time left to learn about trimming that is unless you meant trimming as in cutting leaves or something.
What did you mean?
If by "veg" you meant to harvest or take or chop or whack or whatever your plants and you wanted to know what to do then follow the link and it will tell you all you need to know.
If you meant veg when you typed "veg" then you have more than enough time left to learn about trimming that is unless you meant trimming as in cutting leaves or something.
What did you mean?
Do not remove any leaves unless they are more than half damaged. The leaves are what allow photosynthesis and that is how your plants grow. Less leaves less growth