triple cs


Active Member
48 damn ive had two packs with 16 in each... do the math

but i thought that was the upper levles of what you 'want' to put in your body i figured 48 would kill for sure i felt near death at times on 32, but i was also in miami in the heat, and im from boston so maybe thats why

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
yeah my records only 38 2 packs and 6 my friend couldnt take and im also in miami lmao
and the next day i felt like shit and my kidneys hurt reall bad so i drank a shit load of water all week and felt better
i like the high but ill never take that many again ill use tussin thanya vary muchh!!!


I used to eat a lot of tripple c's. My record is 32 multiple times.... but Im a 5ft tall 98 pound person so it probably should have killed me haha
I used to start thinking I was a little kid again and just run around really confused about everything but I didnt know why I was so confused by the simplest things. And everything turned into a cartoon!


Well-Known Member
Gypsyum 29.6352000 would be your maximum dose for your weight for triple c's. Im surprised your not dead. Close call.


Active Member
Gypsyum 29.6352000 would be your maximum dose for your weight for triple c's. Im surprised your not dead. Close call.
I've seen gypsyum do some crazy fucked up shit. Theres been many times I've been surprised she's not dead.

By the way, thehairyllama, your pic really creeps me out.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I did the dose calculator... after... And the scary part is that I did it multiple times... Im very lucky to still be alive today. Im a lot safer with my drugs now
Yeah im glad your still alive lol..Dont like people contributing to deaths with a great drug like DXM. People smarten up though through experiences like that. =D.