TRIPPED NUTS ON LSD + insane amount of other chemicals lol


Well-Known Member
im gonna have to try out 2ce one of these days. i enjoyed 2cb as much as i ever have anything so u think i will dig it? i cant remember if it was 2ce or 2ci that i was told i would really like. im a sucker for insane visuals.


Well-Known Member
im gonna have to try out 2ce one of these days. i enjoyed 2cb as much as i ever have anything so u think i will dig it? i cant remember if it was 2ce or 2ci that i was told i would really like. im a sucker for insane visuals.
2ce has the insanest visuals of them all, also the most potent and powerful.. It seriously is serious shit. You will trip sack guaranteed.


Active Member
I only wish 2cb had stronger visuals. But that's why I have acid ;)

I don't know anyone who enjoyed a 2cx besides 2cb... a friend of a friend got into a fight with his Dick on 2ce or I, and another friend had a bad trip on 2ce or 2ci. But he thought he took acid...

But I know what to expect, so I think ill enjoy it very much...

Hadd, is the mind relatively clear on 2ce? Even at such a strong dose?


Well-Known Member
Depends on set and setting and your ability to handle those kinds of things. It is a potent and serious psychedelic and people will say high doses of it remind them of DMT visuals. No joke. It is the most visual substance ever

Ellis Dee

Active Member
I am a real fan of 2c-e. Something about it.

One of these days I might have to extend the carbon chain and delve into some 2c-p.


Well-Known Member
I have had 2ce and 2ci numerous times, I think the body load is too much to handle. Much rather have something clean and smooth like good L. So it's now something I guess I will save for a special occasion.
But I am interested in getting some 2cc because it is said to he the most gentle of them, boadyload wise. This is also why I decided to stock myself up on doc over doi.
But I have also read that taking a small dose of Diphenhydramine before any 2cx will take away that negative bodyload that comes with them. Something I need to try and can hopefully enjoy these chemicals more. :D


Well-Known Member
Yea, haven't done it so I can't give a good comparison. Just know that it is all around a bit weaker, but also doesn't have the bodyload like the others.
I like strong 2ce/2ci trips but it takes a lot away from the experience when I have an upset stomach and other parts of the bodyload the whole time. Some people don't seem to get the bodyload, but I get it every time.


Well-Known Member
i can see how that would suck to be tripping with nasuea and cramps and shit the whole time. that doesnt ever really happen to me on any psychedelic except shrooms. i get bad stomach pains like 60% of the time for at least an hour or so. it sux but sometimes thats the price you have to pay for a good shroom trip.


Well-Known Member
Trust me it happened this time.. Mostly cause I mixed it with a stimulant.. Horrible bodyload.. still have it. I need to drink it. I thought my brain was going to melt lol
how many crazy street bums that did acid everyday are still alive after living on the streets their whole life? cheers buddy dont humor the inteligence of a drug that changed a whole fucking generation u nimwit


Well-Known Member
sounds like one of those trip/binges you'll never forget..... and learn a TON from. Enjoy!


Well-Known Member
I slept for a good 20 hours when I FINALLY went to sleep. Thank god for kratom! Woke to find 450 bucks in the mail, that's good because all my real money is on paypal. I am ordering 5g of meph, for 150 dollars, unless someone can find me a cheaper source..


Well-Known Member
Is that 4-MMC?

I got 5/$120!
Yes it is! Please email me where. Did you already receive? How was the quality? I can get it cheaper. This is the only vendor I found that accept Paypal that I've used before, that's why I was only considering them. If your vendor doesn't accept paypal either can I send you the 120 bucks or whateve on Paypal and you use the payment that they accept? If you dont mind helping out, Hadd. lol