TRIPPED NUTS ON LSD + insane amount of other chemicals lol

Also, how do you enjoy 4-mmc? I like it better than molly sometimes.. Top 5 fave drugs for me. People pay 100/g for it where I live on the streets.
No never had it. I just have a source. Its on sale right now, and since CP is still not working the purolator option brings it back to $150. :)

I enjoyed 2ci incredibly every time i had it. I never had any stomach cramps or negative body side affects. I had DMT again this morning that was out of this world..
there are alot of people who just aren't made for hallucinogens, i have had friends(3) who have needed to be institutionalized from lightweight trips on tried and true chemicals like LSD and MDMA who knew that they where taking it and who tripped b4.... i mean i once took lsd every day for 2 months in fairly large quantities and only like 5 people noticed... so it varies drastically depending on the makeup of a person...
You should stay away from man made chemicals one day they will catch up to ya if your not carefull, just my 2 cents bro no offense


What is this thing with man made chemicals being harmful? There are a hell of a lot of natural chemicals that will kill you in minute doses and there are man made chemicals that won't.
I think the worry is always that centrally active compounds may have a long term effect in potentially wearing down the psyche, what they don't understand is thats exactly what some people are going for. :)

This is a possible eventuality after long term use of high amounts of drugs that target the same receptors. What people don't understand is that the receptors are being constantly agonized, and antagonized, by naturally occurring chemicals both ingested and made internally. A person can use heroin everyday, if in controlled and specific doses, and never suffer physiological malady if they don't suffer malnutrition or sleep deprivation. It is very likely that most phens and trypts are fairly harmless.

Their are always nuances to this suggestion, like PMA and its derivatives. Though the Di-methoxy groups seems to impede metabolism; this is why DOM is probably so potent, and harmless, and PMA is a potential 'neurotoxin by association'.

What I see the problem being is the receptors other 'inner terminals' getting cobwebs.
That di-Rx-Amine group seems to be extremely important, but the phenol is no doubt indispensable.
5hta agonism is the shit, especially potent ones. GO nbome-2cc, I can't be imagining this. THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME. More like acid than dox, wtf. Clear headed.. I can feel I'm going to get visuals, my head feels fucking about to take on some intense shit. I heard this shit causes mescaline like visuals, like artwork. Oh my. YES. *DANCES*

And you got me, ellis. My main goal is for my psyche to completely dissipate. If you don't know me, you wouldn't realize! Ohhhh shitttt
I can understand how people are down, but that just isn't my nut. The music I mean.

I love to trip balls too. I took a windowpane of that AG/Ganesha not too long ago, it was quite a night. But extended things just aren't my thing right now. Too much work this season, luckily I negotiated hourly against salary so I get paid mad for overtime. :D
COME ON. You don't like this one???


Go like a minute in. It's fucking sick.



10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 EXTACY.......
I lasted about 8 seconds then read the rest of your post. I went to 1:04 then began watching 'The Chicken Roasters' episode of Seinfeld again.

That just ain't music too me, I believe you know exactly what I mean about music!!

I love to trip balls too. I took a windowpane of that AG/Ganesha not too long ago, it was quite a night. But extended things just aren't my thing right now. Too much work this season, luckily I negotiated hourly against salary so I get paid mad for overtime. :D

Does that mean you took 4 hits of it, or 25 (the entire ganesha picture)? I haven't really heard that term, except for a time there was actually some gel tabs called windowpanes. If you took 25, then CHEERS!
I was just fooling.

Those are what I came up with very quickly.

Final fantasy is just because there are so many games in that series, and would likely yield a very 'final fantasy'-esque trip I'm sure.

16X9 came up organically with talking to a friend about his new TV. We also considered 4X3 being called either RCA, for the cables, or standard definition, for the screen, but both names seemed to under emphasize the trip to be had.