I got one for ya fellas, listen to Tool - Vicarious. This is exactly why people are predicting the end of the world, why media goes all fucking whorey as soon as something tragic happens, it's fucking sad I say.
I mean, aside from all out world war resulting in famine or something similar, or some kind of plague, it is proven (in scientific data atleast) that if a commet or astroid were to hit the earth, we wouldn't know until a few minutes before hand. The few commets that we do see coming near we see out of pure luck, our chances of seeing them are very slight. Have you ever looked up into the sky? Imagine trying to pin point any known star up there that you know exists, let alone a fucking rogue commet!
As I said, people need a reason to be unhappy, freaked out, depressed. Tragedy thrills the spectators.
Also just look at the "2012" movie that came out, millions of dollars based on a 2000 year old (or whatever) mayan calander. It's all just bullshit, to make some form of profit, out of media scare mongering.
Fucking media and government are smart bastards I tell ya.
For me it's the same as (please I know people wont like this but here goes) religion, the wars in Iraq and Afganistan, media scare mongering, government scare mongering. Shit how many of you took the swine flu vaccination because the media told you to?! Do you even know what the fuck was in it? How it was made? How it was produced? Or did you just take it in blind faith because the tv told you it was the right thing to do?
I don't know, I get so fucked off with these kinds of things because it looks as though none of us has any of our OWN ideas any more, too many sheep out there you know.
Call me a conspiracy theorist, or a realist or whatever, I don't really care, I just say be original, and think for yourself, don't let a little story about 2012 scare the shit out of you. If it happens, it happens, and there is fuck all we can do about it. Until then and beyond just live life and enjoy it why lose time?!
Anyway, toke n pass my brothers!!!