Well-Known Member
Steaming on phone fucked up,not anywhere to watch it bro...
Awe man, check them out when your on a PC and not your phone. I'll have to link a few Martina Kraft songs. She is such a goddess on the strings! Shes also playing with them at Faerieworlds. Incase your wondering what Faerieworlds/Faeriecon is. Heres a link. http://faerieworlds.smugmug.com/ Maxim calls it "A BONNAROO STAGED FOR MIDDLE EARTH" Heres some tunes from Martine Kraft. I'll post the actual flyer and line up when its ready. Oh PS I am in one of the photos under "Best of Faeriecon" in the Faeriecon East 2014 album! Can you guess which who I am lol?
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