trippy festival thread 2015

Sux about field ga,but,the more the merrier...
Haven't seen the schwag since camp Zoe in Missouri @8-9 years ex was there,and during the Fri night show,I seen some one tossing stuff at the crowd as they walked thru..naturally I held up my hand for my mystery free shit from a stranger,whatever it was,and a few things went bazing thru the light splinters from the stage,and,YES! THIS STRANGER WAS TOSSING HANDFULLS OF MOLLY CAPS TO THE CROWD!!..
then the lights brightened and I saw it was,I did the unthinkable, and threw the 2 I miraculously caught back at her..
Taught her so well.....:-)
Schwag shows always rocked.I heard camp Zoe closed?
Ya pretty sure they got popped off quite a few yrs ago came in on em wasnt there but heard they were searchin as many people as possible.
I blew that place up one year..had such a good time we stayed all the next week just camping and hunting geodes till it was time to leave for all good..
I blew that place up one year..had such a good time we stayed all the next week just camping and hunting geodes till it was time to leave for all good..
Theres a boy scout camp up on the bluffs that has some beautiful streams and geode's haven't looked for any since I was young maybe I'll get out that way sometime and look around
Theres a boy scout camp up on the bluffs that has some beautiful streams and geode's haven't looked for any since I was young maybe I'll get out that way sometime and look around
Zoe had a cave to climb up to,and the water was so clear that 3ft out from shore looked like knee high water, came up to my nose! Beautiful blue clear streams...awesome place..
That layed or just an art page? Fucking awesome...
I'm grabbing some needlepoint soon and its all ways printed ..I hope its that!

Art page...I'm gonna be in a world of hurt here with money wish I could get a sheet got my plane ticket to chicago n me and my oldest boys plane tickets and pass to jubilee after a few other shows I've already paid for n how much its gonna cost if I can get a GD ticket I think I'm gonna be relying on my fams to get me starry eyed this summer...hhmm or get as much overtime as possible for now I really want to get the lot spun in chicago but I'm sure it'll be well taken care of regardless of me