Couldn't see the second one either.
Weir'd the second image ain't showin for me
This gave me a few chuckles this mornin and some good points to remember when you see a lot of the whining that I've happened to see in some of the dead head forums
Theres a boy scout camp up on the bluffs that has some beautiful streams and geode's haven't looked for any since I was young maybe I'll get out that way sometime and look aroundI blew that place up one year..had such a good time we stayed all the next week just camping and hunting geodes till it was time to leave for all good..
That layed or just an art page? Fucking awesome...
Zoe had a cave to climb up to,and the water was so clear that 3ft out from shore looked like knee high water, came up to my nose! Beautiful blue clear streams...awesome place..Theres a boy scout camp up on the bluffs that has some beautiful streams and geode's haven't looked for any since I was young maybe I'll get out that way sometime and look around
That layed or just an art page? Fucking awesome...
I'm grabbing some needlepoint soon and its all ways printed ..I hope its that!