Trippy Music

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I have been working on a lot of experiments lately ....
and have been humming this in the back of my mind
just as a reminder not to make any mistakes ...




Well-Known Member
felt like a little daft punk





Well-Known Member
Imagine your self in a maga man level while you jam this, give it a chance the boss battle at the end is worth it

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Ahh Nit Grit .... we have been playing this mix in the dubstep section at RIU since this summer .... So you posting it shows me that you are on the level.
Boi !!

I went to get some smokes earlier and found this oldie playing on the radio.
Moments later I lost myself in the music as the snow flakes fell on the windows.

Perhaps this is 2 old for some of you guys .... but I will post it regardless ... as these frequencies move me.



Well-Known Member
I met steve stevens, one of billy idols guitarists, at national guitar workshop in LA a few years ago, and his playmate wife!! he brought a flaminco guitar though... it was awsome still though made him play reble yell on a flaminco guitar lol


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Dude ... I love Steve Stevenson ..... he is one of the best.


Look at him with MJ .... that hair is ..... something else .... wicked skilllzzz


Props to you for spotting talent :)

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
And one from me ....
I am all about that ....


This is my neighbors favorite song today ..... whether he likes it or not !!
