Trippy Music


Active Member
'A psychedelic person is not willing to be a good citizen, or a good anything that is defined by somebody else. I mean, the shaman is a true anarchist' - Terrence McKenna


Well-Known Member
ahh someone has finally added full versions to youtube

long ol' tracks only just getting going when others are finishing
yet a little patience will reap huge rewards for your senses

skin one up sit back and enjoy


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
What a tripy editing ...





Well-Known Member
I`m a big DI fm fan, I was listening when songs called Psilicon Dreams kept coming up and sounding great! I decided I want to find these tunes and did some research, led me to a web page where all of them are available... They are each 1hour-1.5 hours long and there are 15 of them. I have only listened to 2-3 but they all seem pretty fabulous. Oh and no download limits too, its not a rapidshare thing, straight from the website. I`m planning on downloading all 15 of them, got 4 already. The artist is called Crispy. Fucking all hail Crispy!! :D

There are also some other tracks but I haven`t listened to them, but I have a feeling everything from that page is going to be pretty awesome!

Enjoy chaps!

Edit: The one I first got and liked is called Crispy - Psilicon Dreams 11 (October 2010)

Don`t be afraid to give this stuff a go, its lovely!


Well-Known Member
u guys may not enjoy this but on i think my 2nd or 3rd lucy trip i heard this album for the first time. to make it even better we were in a recording studio and we could blast the music to concert volume. amazing times...

also this was some of the best lucy ive ever taken and ive had alot.



Well-Known Member

yah get that zombie off yo lawn


Active Member
dude that song is literally over an hour long. holy shit!!
i didnt listen to the whole thing but what i did hear definately
struck my fancy. well played man. + rep for that