19 year old 101st veteran infantryman here, this is what I had fun with pissing off rednecks in my barracks room. I had a korg, 2 3' marshalls on my corners of the wall, in a small ass space, an overall nice setup, this is what I played to piss those close-minded a**holes off, I smoked in my barracks room, tripped in it, whole 13 yards. The 42'' plasma made the effects nice too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5EDqQtnRrc
The bubble doesnt make you but its you that makes the bubble,
And you better try to remember that its in your head.
We live in a bubble baby,
But its not the place to be.
Cause its a place of lies and hype.
Dont believe the bubble cause its nothing but a dream,
And when it blows youll be alone.