Trippy Music

Having a nice start to a wicked day !


Top of the morning ALL !
One more ... for you !
Good Afternoon !


I'm not sure if you guys would consider this "trippy"


Standing there alone the ship is waiting.
All systems are go. are you sure?
Control is not convinced
But the computer has the evidence
No need to abort.
The countdown starts

Watching in a trance the crew is certain.
Nothing left to chance all is working.
Trying to relax up in the capsule
"Send me up a drink." jokes Major Tom.
The count goes on

4 3 2 1
Earth below us
Drifting falling floating weightless
Calling calling home

Second stage is cut.
We´re now in orbit
Stabilizers up runnning perfect.
Starting to collect requested data.
"What will it affect when all is done?"
Thinks Major Tom

Back at ground control
There is a problem.
"Go to rockets full"
Not responding.
"Hello Major Tom are you receiving?
Turn the thrusters on.
We´re standing by."
There´s no reply.

I love Major Tom !
And YOUR spirit when you are Bent !

Surprisingly, I am not the slightest bit bent, but I may be very soon.. That DOI is staring me straight in the eye.. You don't even know how I am when I'm bent.. You would be surprised. I may seem a bit lacking of personality at times, but that is just due professionalism ;) I can get very wacky, I doubt anyone can attest to this on here as I've never shown my true colors on here.. May happen soon though.. Hope I don't go too far off the rocker..

That is sick

this one is way funny though good find puffer!!!

im the snoop dog of science hahahaha i love this song now

10 million million million million million million million particals in the universe that we can observe, your mamma took all the ugly ones and made one nerd hahaha