Trippy music?

most of the stuff on here has definitely been more downtempo, but bringing in old skool The Prodigy (Experience) and Joey Beltram definitely ups the ante. I'm a big fan of just trippy EDM too. I probably wouldn't listen to Joey Beltram unless he was live, but The Prodigy Experience is SUCH a fucked up album... same for Acen and Spiral Tribe: old skool breakbeat hardcore rave music is quite trippy, unlike the watered down Ambien trance that Tiesto is selling now.

more in the dance direction, I like Underworld a lot, Sasha & Digweed did some classic mixes, Orbital, Hybrid... some of Oakenfold's earlier stuff (before Tranceport) is sort of goa

I am so with you there. Orbital.. doesn't get more classic than that. Sasha and Digweed are cool live. Oh and boo for Tiesto.. I've never been on that train "OMG OMG OMG TIESTO IS LIKE OMG THE SHIT" .........shut the fuck up. haha.

DEEP DISH (ok I admit I am a trance-a-holic)
"Let's Go Get Stoned" by Sublime. It might not be the most trippy fucking techno thing out there by any stretch of the imagination. But parts of it, if your fucked up enough, will make you trip out.

And a YEM by Phish, on of their live's got this vocal jam in it that is trippy as hell.
Has any 1 listened to dj dana from holland , She plays some banging music the stuff from the early 90,s just modernised .youtube it worth checking out ..h4l
Infected mushroom, if you ever get a chance listen to Arabian Nights on Mescaline.

These guys do all kinds of weird stuff not your typical techno. They sing and have real instruments sometimes. - Infected Mushroom - Los Angeles, California - Electronica / Trance / Psychedelic - - Infected Mushroom - Los Angeles, California - Electronica / Trance / Psychedelic -

Infected Mushroom is good trip music but there's 1 other that blows it outta the water.

Evere heard of Sphongle? Find something from Tales of the Unexpressible. This music was MADE for tripping.
Shpongle is very trippy, they're DMT people :blsmoke:

Aphex Twin is trippy as well, fast paced techno or he's got ambient stuff that's pretty chill.

M83 is amazing if you like soundscape type stuff.

Mars Volta is awesome :peace:
Theres alot of lesser known Pink floyd songs that are leet sauce

high hopes
one of these days

Disocgraphy is win