ROFL!! Doc!!! Oh snap! You read my mind.
wheres the 'hate' button
ROFL!! Doc!!! Oh snap! You read my mind.
What's this about now? I still feel like I'm new to this site, and here you are three months in and you're acting like you own the place.....
You know the "man" will always try to hold us down, what makes this place any different? Treat it like a game, don't get offended.....
wheres the 'hate' button
no! ..
My happy button starts 8 inches down from my belly button.8 inches south of my belly button. stop touching me there.
Rest in peace Jim Varney... and could all you facists gtfo and take your miak with you... thank you...
What happened? What did I miss? I went to fix dinner and Shannon isn't waiting in my bed where I chained him...
slut ..
It's right here! Go it! I dare ya! lol!wheres the 'hate' button
Meta synth is a token ***** guy?
Meta synth is a token ***** guy?
I'm a star! My mommy always told me so!!!!!
I'm a star! My mommy always told me so!!!!!