Troll Wars II aka Greatest Thread Ever pt 1

we be be'n from the south don't none be makin us stupiderer

stop just stop i had to read that almost 5 times to understand it and gave me a headache

thank you for dentist iv always hated them so painful with there floss and the metal SCRAPPING UGH this is the only time i am thankful...

no i can understand it but i dont like pulling my hair in the process of decpherinh it id much rather licen to British people make fun of me (again)

they give you intravenous drugs at the dentist?
she looked fake... not like a fake whore, but soooo perfect theres just no way... hasn't she had kids?!
i'm sure she's had work...but a body can bounce back from kids fast...I've never been a big fan of hers, but she was cool in that role...she wanted to do it on his