Well-Known Member
TV was around alot longer then your pansy ass, now go take your little fly fucking pic and jerk it somewhere else dick.
them sound like fighting words there son
TV was around alot longer then your pansy ass, now go take your little fly fucking pic and jerk it somewhere else dick.
TV was around alot longer then your pansy ass, now go take your little fly fucking pic and jerk it somewhere else dick.
sorry not gay like you. never want to be a homo like you,but I am sure there are people in this fucked up world that would love to stick there cock in you and give you aids....good luckfuck you, i know more about everything than anything and i know you dont even know what i know
sorry not gay like you. never want to be a homo like you,but I am sure there are people in this fucked up world that would love to stick there cock in you and give you aids....good luck
TV was around alot longer then your pansy ass, now go take your little fly fucking pic and jerk it somewhere else dick.
Hey Silly Dank Bitch, you should have just closed your asshole (your mouth), Because I just went back in time and fucked your mom before your Dad nutted your pathetic life into existance and he broke up with the whore, because they weren't even married before you were born. Now your gonna disappear, dumbass. THIS IS SPERMA!
chronic dick obsession qouted me again, how cute i mustve really butt hurt the little guy
I'll go back in time and spoon feed your mother some birth control pills and we'll see who's fucking laughing when you are replaced by a girl named Meg. I'll kill the pathetic sperm that was you before you came out of your protective pussy, bitch![video]http://www.youtube.com/user/QUEEROF305?blend=7&ob=5[/video] this is you chronic dick obsession the rapper
and if i was one of the dogs id be the big one shoving spoon fulls of meth down your throat bitch
Don't twist the facts. You were a sperm, and you get killed by birth control pills that I shoot intor your mother's pussy with a nerfball cannon. What is wrong with YOU? Next sperm load comes about 6 months later, and a new sperm champion takes YOUR place.... sheesh, crack rocks thes3 daysif you fed my mom birth control she wouldent be able to have meg would she...............another lame one
enuf with the sperm already whipe it off your mouth and move on already