"Tropic" By www.thestealthbox.com


Well-Known Member
Hi there thought I'd add my thought's :) The grow tents on the link are fine for tiny grows, actually the medium sized one isn't bad at all, and the T5/fluresents will work fine too, the 90w LED UFO's do work!! admittedly they are better at vegging but if used in conjunction with CFL's or fluresents you can flower quite well...seeing that the tents are quite small the light will travel better (better coverage) :) so your buds will still be of an ok size, I would say this though...despite the LED companies saying the UFO's and panels are good for thousands of hours use.....In my opinion they ARE NOT!! I had 2 ufo's and neither of them lasted me a whole grow from start to finish. But the good news is a 125w/150w or even a 250w ENVIROLITE/ENVIROGROW will fit in there just fine and the temp out put is simerlar to that of a UFO (125w/150w), thats been running for a few hours, a 250w runs a little warmer, but with a good in-line fan 4/5" (small,quiet fan) the temp's will not be a problem to you :) Leds on the whole are pretty expensive the more pricey the better the quality so I'd advise'surgest 'The ENVIROLITE' option cos its a lot cheaper and the results are usually really good :) admittedly not as good as MH/HPS but thats a whole different ball game with more often or not a huge price bump! to deal with heat etc...anyway I think since you said you are not all that confident with tools and DIY craftsmanship, that this is a good idea however I would shop around and see if you can get the setup/simerlar setup for cheaper, and think carefully about the size of the tent.. the bigger you can go the more is possible :) I hope all goes well and if you want any help, idea's or surgestions I will be happy to help :) happy growing - STELTHY


This GrowLab GL120 w is looking like a much better option all the way round, this would be more worth your while :) - STELTHY
Yeah, it dose. I was kinda hoping for something kinda small and thats why i picked the smaller plants... i guess if im going bigger can you yield more using smaller (dwarf) fast growing plants or full sized like White Widow?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it dose. I was kinda hoping for something kinda small and thats why i picked the smaller plants... i guess if im going bigger can you yield more using smaller (dwarf) fast growing plants or full sized like White Widow?
If you use small seed genetics (dwarfs) it is possible to yield well but I'd say go for a strain thats known to produce big..that way you'll only need 1 or 2 plants and space them nicely apart for better light penetration and they'll do a lot better than the DWARFS/AUTO'S you can kinda gauge the height of your ladies by changing the light cycle's to 12/12 from 18/6 when they reach a preferred size. Also by choosing the bigger tent, it allows you to go on and up stage your lighting at a later date as and when you feel like making the change, are you thinking of using soil, or hydro as your medium? - STELTHY


I love learning and was thinking (before i had seen thestealthbox) of doing half and half. my first though was well soil might be easier But i could see what is going on with hydro, and in turn kinda testing what is better for me....

now im kinda just wanting soil... (can the dirt be reused? its cheap and i dont care but just wondering)


Well-Known Member
I've always preffered hydro, it seems to make the plants grow a lot bigger, alot quicker :) personal choice though.. technically you can re-use the dirt/compost/soil etc but its best not to, using new soil etc means less likely to nurture unwanted bugs etc.. and better grade natural nuits in the soil, being pretty cheap to buy I would personally buy new soil for each grow, you get out what you put in! if you follow me :) hope this helps, if you have any further questions don't hesitate..fire away!! :) - STELTHY